Part 12

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You adjusted the strap on your purse as you walked. Nervously looking around and trying so hard to act like you were okay. A group of people walked by you out of the restaurant. You bumped into someone and then accidentally into someone else. You apologized with red cheeks and a shameful frown. You hated how much confidence these last few years took away from you...You just hated it.

'It's just dinner..You're fine, you're safe, it's okay. You'll figure something out.' You told yourself as your eyes scanned the patio.

"YN, you made it." He got up from his seat and outstretched his arms. You noticed the slight stagger but it wasn't as bad as it used to be.

"Hey, Dewey." You hugged him with a relieved sigh at seeing a familiar face. You both let go from the quick hug as he pulled out a chair for you. You wanted to argue that he didn't have to do that, no one, not even Randy did it...But you knew that was just one of those endearing traits Dewey possessed that made him stand out among everyone else.

You sat down, watching him slowly ease down in his own chair with a groan.

The second hit to the back at Windsor both helped and hurt him. The scar tissue saved his life and the second stab reversed some of the numbness in his arm...But it didn't repair it completely. He still had the limp and probably always would but it did seem better than what it was 3 years ago.

"I'm glad you could make it, Dewey. And I'm kind of glad you guys picked such a quiet place." You noted. It was a quant place on a corner that you got a table on the patio to sit at.

"Well, we figured quiet is best...Considering."

"Yeah, especially with the hermit coming out of her shell."

He gave a small half cringe smile. "Yes."

You forced a smile. "It's okay but...I'm not as fragile as you all think. I've handled worse than a crowd...But I guess I do have to admit I still get panic attacks if I hear screaming or people rushing towards me once in a while."

Dewey gave you a sympathetic look. "Hey, it's a big improvement from when you were younger. Baby steps... Hey, that locket?"

You looked down at it. "Yeah?"

"Well...I've been meaning to ask you what's inside." He sheepishly smiled. "If it's an old boyfriend or something you don't have to tell me. You just wear it an awful lot."

You smiled up at him. "You should have asked sooner, Dewey." You gently grabbed it and popped it open. His face scrunched to see it before falling.

You kept the smile as you informed him. "It's one of the only and last things Sidney ever gave me. It just screams her, doesn't it? Old soul sort of thing..." You looked down at the picture yourself with a sad smile. Sidney and you on the bleachers of Woodsboro High during a game to support Tatum Cheering. "I wear it any time I feel anxious. I wore it at Windsor and used it to slash at Mickey's eyes...I'd like to think she did that herself."

Dewey swallowed and stared at it. "Well...I'm glad someone was there for you. Especially her or..." He trailed off, forcing a smile and looking away as the conversation died off.

You sighed and looked around. It was getting dark and the patio lights were being turned on. "So uh, where's Ray?"

"He said he might be late...He didn't say why. Sorry."

You shook your head. "No, that's fine! I'm more than happy to spend time with you while we wait. How have you been? We talk on the phone but...You never mentioned Hollywood?"

He gave a sheepish look. "Well uh, It was a last minute decision. After Gale and I broke up there hasn't been much going on in my life so I got offered the job one day and took it. I didn't tell you because of...Well, the movie."

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