Part 11

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"Hey, hold on a minute; I've got a bone to pick with you." Randy remarked pulling away from the hug as you were still processing the fact he claimed he didn't call you. He gave you an accusing look. "I've been trying to call you for two damn days. Your parents are worried sick!" 

You closed your eyes and cursed under your breath once you realized. You completely forgot to call them the last few days and with everything that had happened; it was the last thing on your mind.

What were you supposed to say to your folks? 'Sorry, I've been keeping peace among two psychotic serial killers...Yeah, the ones that tried to kill me twice. We're trying to locate another killer that knows our identities...Oh, I got into my first high speed chase! It was like an action movie! I almost died! Anyways, love you and tell Cherri and Kitty I miss them!'

You opened your eyes with a cringe with Randy's hands still on your shoulders. 

Randy raised a brow at you. "They said you dropped off Cherri two days ago and claimed you were coming to see me. I had to lie and say 'Oh yeah, totally'...But you haven't answered anyone for days, YN! I called your house and then your cell phone. What the fuck is the point of a phone you have with you everywhere you go if you're not gonna answer it?" 

"Oh, shit!....I'm so sorry, my phones been dead." 

"...But you claimed I called you this morning?" 

"Yes! After a night of charging it. I just got the newer Nokia model, still trying to get used to it and I forgot." 

His brows turned up as he stared at you with concern. "But you told your parents you were seeing me two days ago?...It doesn't take two days to get from your place to here. I just got here two days ago and definitely didn't tell you yet." 

You cringed, feeling flushed and a nervous sweat on the nape of your neck. Trying to come up with a story in your head on the spot. 

Randy tilted his head at you. "YN...What's going on? Tell me." 

You scoffed with a nervous chuckle. "Nothing is going on!  I just wanted to take a scenic route and my phone was dead and when it wasn't I had no reception... That's all!" 

"...By yourself?" 

You felt yourself getting defensive. "Yeah, by myself. After everything I've gone through, I think I can handle a flat tire or some random weirdo while traveling." 

"YN...You haven't left your cabin in years and you're telling me you just got up and decided to go missing for a few days? Alone? And now you're claiming I called you this morning when I didn't?" He had a down right out fearful look on his face. "Are you...Are you using?" 


"Ya know; pills, coke, dope. Drugs, YN." He hissed, you saw him looking at your eyes. "I just saw Darcy in makeup with eyes the size of saucer plates and Fred in special effects taking pills like their candy. So don't lie to me; I'll know." 

You scrunched your face with a bewildered laugh as he stepped away from you a bit. "No Ray, I'm not on drugs." 

He stared at you. "I hate to drag our Woodsboro big bro into this but...Dewey said you uh...You were smoking weed in school-" 

You rolled your eyes with a bark of laughter. "Oh my God, I told him that was a bullshit story I used because I was being held hostage by Billy. Context!" 

His eyes widened. "...What?" 

You quieted your voice to tell him. "Yeah, he didn't tell you? They broke in, tried to kill me, I told them I was a part of the plan when I wasn't, gained their trust by getting rid of Dewey then called Dewey back when they left to hatch out the plan to take them down the following night...We know how that went." 

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