Part 2

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You let your gun rest beside you for a moment, finger off the trigger. "GREAT, now I gotta disengage this-" You grumbled as he just watched you while Cherri got belly rubs from him on the couch.

You walked outside to your back porch. Doing exactly what Dewey showed you. Thumb on the hammer spur, other thumb on top of the hammer, and your finger on the trigger. You pointed the gun to your empty backyard just in case before slowly pulling the trigger while holding the hammer to keep it from kicking. You felt the hammer loosen as you slowly released the trigger and let it ease up to its normal position near the firing pin. Then made it half cocked as a safety measure right when you heard him running his mouth inside.

"Well sorry Annie Oakley but I don't know why you have that old hunk of junk anyway! Just get a regular automatic! Or a revolver that does the thing where you have to pull the thing to shoot." He called from the living room

You put it back in your holster and marched back to him with an outraged expression. "Single action. And NO I feel better being able to shoot right away if I need to... Besides, It's a very special gift from Dewey! It's what I'm most comfortable with."

Though, you did think of an easier semi automatic to carry in the future but you weren't telling him that. But Dewey giving you his family heirloom after Windsor made it feel lucky. You were beyond touched and insisted he kept it but he claimed you could 'borrow' it for good luck. It made it feel like you could take down anyone with it in any situation; even against another masked killer.

You stood in front of the tv with your hands on your hips to block his view. "What the FUCK are you doing anyways?! Are you trying to get shot?! I carry a gun now, dumby!"

"Just keeping you up on your game, Sweetcheeks...You pointing a gun at me is strangely hot, not gonna lie."

You rolled your eyes as Cherri laid all over him. "I think she's my dog now. Who's a good girl? Is it you? Yes it is! Who's your favorite person? Is it Stu? Yes it is! Yes it is!" He talked to her in a goofy voice and she ate it right up. Her tail hitting the sofa as her tongue lulled out.

You relaxed but still frowned at him. "I'm serious, Stu. You could have just knocked! You can't just barge in here like this."

He went from grinning down at the dog to looking up and raising a brow at you. "Why? Afraid I'm gonna interrupt your sex talk?" He gave with no smile and a raised accusing brow. You raised your own brow as he mumbled. "So, who's the guy?"

You huffed with a glare. "I was joking with my friend, if you mind. It's just what we do."

"You say you love your friends?"

"Yeah, actually I do. I love ya too despite my better judgment."

"Okay, now say it with a 'you' and look deeply into my eyes while you say it."

"Absolutely not. I love you as a friend."

"Fucking ouch....Seriously though, who is he?"

He went to look at the caller ID on the table and you rolled your eyes as his brows furrowed. "Randy??" He thought a moment before smiling. "Oh, for a minute I thought I had competition."

"Oh? You aren't worried about Randy? He's a guy."

Stu released a snort of laughter and gently moved Cherri off him. "Barely...Nah, that machine is off. You were talking to someone else, weren't you?"

"Stu. My friends and love life are none of your business. Especially with your tendency to stab. Be lucky I've allowed you in my life this much these last few years."

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