Part 5

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 You and Stu gave each other looks as Billy slamming your hood echoed in the garage; drawing the attention of the other mechanics. 

 "Well, that's lucky." Stu mumbled. "Looks like you weren't far off, Sweetcheeks. He did come to a small shithole after all." 

You eyed Billy's appearance. His hair had grown out even more than it was in High School as his front pieces hung past his nose with scruff now on his face. He seemed just as lanky as he was as a teen...And on his right cheek was the scar. Faded but still there when he turned a certain way in the light. He had on a loose white tank with oil and grease stains. His blue mechanics outfit half off and tied at the waist. 

His eyes darted to the other workers as they watched him. He wiped a greasy hand on a rag he was holding before swiping his hair out of his face and taking a deep breath. Any composure he was aiming for flew out the window when he looked at you both again. Marching over to you with a death glare.

"How did you find me?!" He hissed under his breath as he stood a foot in front of you both. 


His eyes widened, his jaw clenched in warning. You quickly corrected yourself. "Sorry. Vince...We need to talk." 

"It's Vincent and too damn bad." He went to walk away, throwing his rag across the garage. "Get someone else to work on your car-" 

"Buddy, I think you'll want to hear us out. It's important if I'm willing to be here." Stu gave. Mockingly raising his brows at him while tilting his head at him. 

Billy halted mid step at that. Slowly turning to stare at you both over his shoulder. You saw his tongue pushing the inside of his cheek as his eyes narrowed. 

"...Fine." He growled. Walking past you both. You and Stu looked at each other before cautiously following him to a storage room. 

The second the lock clicked shut, Billy grabbed Stu by the shirt and shoved him into a wall. He looked enraged but you saw some panic in his eyes as you stumbled out of the way. 

"I thought I told you to never come near me again? You fuckers think you can get me?! Think I'm that stupid?! Huh?!  I'll kill you-" 

Stu quickly grabbed him and slammed him into a nearby wall; knocking some boxes onto the floor. "Not till I kill you first, asshat!" 

 Billy raised his fist to left hook Stu's head. It missed Stu as Stu got out his knife and Billy went to do the same. 

 You yelled at them as you jerked your gun out from your boot. "HEY!" 

They both stopped as you aimed it. "YOU; OVER THERE!...YOU; THAT WAY! We aren't killing each other till we find out who's fucking with us!" You ordered them both while pointing the gun to them then the wall.  Stu hesitated but gave a cocky smirk to Billy with his hands up and back stepped to the wall. 

Billy glared at you and didn't move. "I don't take orders from you. Besides, you won't pull that trigger. We all know you don't have the guts for that." 

"Wanna find out? I didn't have an issue in the  theater."

Billy scowled at as you continued.

"Looks like a nice little job you have here. Hate to have to run...Again. Or maybe go to a hospital...Oh wait. You can't, can you?" 

Billy sneered your way but didn't move. 

You rolled your eyes and put your gun away as there was knocking on the door. Billy flinched as you heard a man on the other side. 

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