Part 19

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    Gale moved along the busy street on a mission; straight to the Studio Archives. She marched with purpose to the door, ready to open it and get to the bottom of this…Locked.

"Oh shit." She hissed under her breath as she knocked on the door before she tried looking through the glass. "Hello?" 

'Well shit…Guess it wouldn't be the first time.' She thought to herself as she looked around before digging in her purse for a credit card to swipe.


Gale jumped with a gasp, turning around to come face to face with her dramatic, very ANNOYING doppelganger.

"Jeez." Jennifer mumbled while Gale glared at her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Gale demanded as the younger woman scrunched her face at her.

"Being Gale Weathers. What the hell are you doing?" 

Gale leaned forward and hissed out. "I AM Gale Weathers." 

"Hey, this is how I see it. I have no house, no bodyguard, no movie and I'm being stalked." She ranted matter of factly. "Because someone wants to kill me? No, because someone wants to kill you. So now, starting now, I go where you go. That way, if someone wants to kill me, I'll be with you and since they really want to kill you they won't kill me. They'll kill you." She tilted her head. "Make sense?" 

Gale blinked with a dumbfounded look. "NONE." 

Jennifer gave a tilt of her head. "You know, in the movies, I play you as being much smarter." 

"And a sane person!" Gale gave with a sarcastic smile. "For you; That must be quite a stretch." 

Jennifer gave a forced smile that faded as soon as it came. "That's funny." Jennifer's eyes darted to the door, whispering to Gale. "Need to get in that building?" 

Gale stared at her a moment before nodding. "Yeah." 

"There a story in that building?" 

Gale huffed. "Maybe." 

Jennifer ripped out a Sunrise Studios keycard from her pocketbook with a smirk. "Gale Weathers would find a way." 

She went right past Gale's face to slide it. The light turned green as the door unlocked to give them access. Gale rolled her eyes with a sneer at the fact the Stab cast, that included Jennifer, had access cards and she didn't. 

"Bitch." She grumbled under her breath as Jennifer opened the door. Gale was hot on her heels, rushing to the open door first. "Alright, wait! Just-" She held up a finger to Jennifer in warning before going in. 

 "Don't tell me what to do." Jennifer retorted before shutting the door behind them both. 

Gale zoned out as Jennifer talked all the way down the stairs, making remarks here and there as her eyes scanned for any sign of life. Both women turned towards a coughing down the hall, glancing at one another before going. 

Gale instantly got in front to do the talking. She wasn't about to let some media darling steal her spotlight. 

She reached into her purse as she spoke. "Um, excuse me. I'm Gale Weathers and I'm here researching for the police-" She smacked a photo of a 20 something year old Maureen onto the desk. "This photo. It was taken at this studio. Her name is Maureen Prescott. Back then it was probably Maureen Roberts." 

The older woman filed her nails while giving them both a bored expression. Gale stopped to look at her with raised brows once she truly looked at the woman. "Hey, are you-" 

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