Part 20

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You shook your head as you let the note slip out of your hand before shoving it into your middle console.

This was crazy...Too crazy even for you and all the shit you've been through. Closest thing to this level of madness was 5 years ago on that one stormy night when two arrogant teenagers decided to try and kill you before changing their minds and looping you into their plan to turn their hometown on its head. Almost as crazy as you helping them half a decade later.

You rolled your lips and ran a hand over your tired eyes as you addressed them both in the backseat. "So...You heard?"

Billy answered. "Yes...It sounds like you're finally starting to come around to the idea that your so-called best friend might not be so innocent after all, hm?"

Stu gave the slightest scoff behind your seat. "Yeah, not like I haven't been saying it over and over-"

"Stop." You weakly interrupted, voice close to cracking as you started the car. "I-I don't know what to think, okay"

You put it into drive as Billy leaned on the passenger seat, head ducked down to avoid being seen. "Yeah, well I do. You're letting your guard down and being a complete tease with the Detective."

You scrunch your face. "What are you even talking about?"

"Please, Sweetcheeks. Drop the innocent girl act, alright? He's all over you and you're dangling yourself in front of him. I mean, he gave you a phone that's obviously bugged and you were giggling and blushing and shit."

You huffed as you made your way through the gates; leaving sunrise studios. "I was not giggling and blushing, Stu! And yes, it's probably bugged but I'm still hanging onto it in case it's all we have. We can use code words or something."

Billy gave a mocking smirk your way as he crawled to the front seat. "Of course you are. Especially since it has his number in it." He sat down in the passenger seat and you gave him a look. He rolled his eyes and buckled up. "Guess what? You keep this shit up and he's going to get closer and closer and while you're obliviously shoving your tongue down his throat; he's going behind your back to find out who we are."

You grumbled under your breath. "Are you really this nervous over him being a Detective or are you just insecure of how close he's getting to me?"

Billy whipped around in his seat. "I'm not insecure; why the fuck would I be insecure of you being with some dipshit cop? Fuck his brains out for all I care! It's the fact you can't keep your mouth shut that has me 'nervous'." He mocked the last part.

Stu mumbled something under his breath through a cough.

Billy rolled his eyes. "Point is, things have gone from bad to worse these last few days. This copycat is getting bolder, we are getting nowhere, you're getting way too close to that Detective...Gale has Stu's file." He grumbled.

"Wait...What?" You mumbled while glancing at Stu in the mirror.

He had a tense expression as he looked out the window. He shook his head with a bitter smirk, giving a tiny hand gesture to emphasize his point. "I was THIS close to nabbing that sucker and the has-been Journalist that wrote an entire book on me and Billy gets it first."

"Shit..." You hissed out. Gale having Stu's file was bad. Very, very, very bad. You shook your head. "How did she even get it?!"

"I don't know! She was with that actress Jennifer down in the archives and was combing through new files! I was sneaking around and I saw my picture on the file before she shoved it in her bag."

Billy moved his tongue along the inside of his cheek with a very annoyed glare on his face. "So now, if Gale isn't the killer, then we have to worry about her finding out just who Dennis Rafkin is. It will lead back to both of us, YN. Won't be hard either considering she's already been sniffing around for years for evidence she actually saw us alive at Windsor Theater and that you're lying through your teeth all these years." He glanced over at you. "...Won't she be thrilled to finally smear the girl that beat her at her own game, prove she was right all along, and lock up the two serial killers responsible for the Woodsboro Massacre?...We've got to get that file or kill her to get it. That's our only option."

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