Part 4

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 "Welp….You were wrong." You mumbled as you leaned against the cabin's door frame while Stu looked in every room. It had been a 4 hour drive. Once you dropped off Cherri at your parents, it was an hour drive from Woodsboro that you took the long way around to avoid and then a 3 hour drive up North.

All to get there and see no one had been here for a while. 

"I mean, this is where we were for 2 years. It took me months to get back to California and then a few more months of drifting. I haven't really been here in awhile." 

"By in a while you mean in 3 years?" 

"Probably... Look, you got any better ideas?" He huffed at you.

You sighed, looking around the old hunting cabin. "...So this is where you guys were all that time." You muttered matter of factly. Imagining what life was like for them all that time. You never really asked Stu. Honestly, you didn't bring up the time during or before Windsor anymore than you had to. 

"Yep. Home sweet home." He quipped, coughing as a bunch of dust dropped off a box he moved from a top shelf. He opened a tin cookie box that he rolled his eyes at. "Of course that dickwad took everything. Cash, stash, papers-" 

You walked further into the cabin. "Well, it is Billy. He's not gonna risk cops tracking anything. Wouldn't shock me if he did some heavy cleaning with gloves before he left to get rid of any fingerprints." 

Stu huffed with a chuckle. "You're giving him too much credit, babe. This was the guy that was originally gonna stab Sidney and then play half dead before I mentioned framing Neil." 

You shrugged. "To be frank, he was gonna probably frame you till you mentioned Neil…"

"Fair. But I still doubt he did all that."

" I don't know. I have this feeling that 23 year old Billy isn't 18 year old Billy anymore. Not after everything that's happened." You ventured into the cabin more, looking down to see something under the couch. You bent down to find a piece of a map ripped out and circled. "Well damn Stu, maybe you're right….What is this?" 

Stu walked over to you. "Oh...Oh, yeah! Damn that's old. When we first got here Billy boy was convinced my parents would come up here...I told him my Dad doesn't even hunt; he just got this place as a pipedream but he was still convinced we should have other places in mind." He took the piece of paper. "Oh man, he took the rest of it." 

"Why would he leave this here though?" 

Stu licked his lips, rolling his teeth over them in thought. "I don't know...He was frantic when we first got here. Ripping out pages and having an aneurysm every 5 minutes over being caught...Maybe this just fell out there?" He shrugged.

You eyed him. You didn't think you'd ever NOT feel suspicious of him. You had no idea where Stu came or went when he left your place. For all you knew; he could be still talking to Billy and they left this clue here as a red herring or a trap. It felt unlikely but there was still the what if. But...What choice did you have? 

"Yeah...Maybe." You mumbled. You looked over at him, shoving your hands in your pocket. It was colder up in Northern California this time of year. The cabin had you feeling like you were back in Ohio again. "So...Where is it?" 

Stu looked and his eyes lit up. "Oohh, he talked about this place. Some town on the edge of California and Nevada. We're so up North that It's like an hour drive from here. Something about Hank took him on a boating trip with his lawyer buddies here as a kid to some big fancy lake and he liked the memory or something along those lines." He smirked at you. "Rich old men and their rugged wannabe pipe dreams, huh?" 

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