6- y/c/n

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"Today we are on the red carpet of captain American civil war and are joined by the two newest members of the teamY/n and Tom Holland. Tom this is your first marvel red carpet"
TH: yeah it's good to be here because I'm in the movie not just my sisters date
"Y/n what's it like having your brother with you in this movie"
Y/n: it was amazing seeing Tom as Spider-Man. I'm really being a very proud sister here.
"So y/c/n is new to the team so is Spider-Man but are we going to see more of her we know we will see Spider-Man but whats happing with her"
Y/n: well we saw y/c/n a bit in captain American the winter soldier and in this one you will see more of her past and how she got to be working with Bucky so if he comes back I would be mad if I don't come back.
"What was it like coming into the mcu and being with your sister"
TH: it's was so surreal. I've been a big fan since before both of us was apart of it. I was jealous when y/n got the role a couple years ago.
Y/n: Spider-Man was always his favourite as well I have a picture of him when he was like five and in was in this Spider-Man onesie that he never took off
"If you had your own team who would you want to be in it. Five people"
Y/n: ooh okay. I think y/c/n would want Bucky she knows she is safe with him. Maybe Steve as well and probably Clint and Wanda. I think that the people that excepted her the most. Especially Wanda. They're quite similar on where they got their powers from.
TH: definitely ironman. Maybe Natasha. Bucky scares me so not him. Black panther would be cool also maybe war machine. I was going to say you y/n but you never said me so I'm taking Clint off you.
Y/n: noo I'm sorry. I feel bad now. Wait I only said four people I'm picking Spider-Man.
TH: that's cheating but I'll allow it

"There's a couple new people in this movie what is your thoughts on them"
SS: well Tom Holland is a bit of a problem but his sister is pretty good.
"There's a lot of action in this movie what was it like filming all of that"
SS: you have to really trust your screen partner. If you don't you will get hurt
"Did any of the punches fail"
SS: oh yes definitely. Y/n isn't very good at knowing where to aim. So instead of punching the person in front of her she punched me who was next to her.
"How did that happen"
SS: I have no idea it was all a blur
"If you could make your own team. Who would be in it. Five people"
SS: oohh okay. Natasha. Y/c/n. Wanda. Not Sam he's annoying maybe antman he's cool. Oh and Steve.
"Are you just picking all the women"
SS: there. There just very good at there job. They need to have some excitement in there lives all they do is fight.

"Chris if you could pick only one person from your team to be by your side all the time who would it be"
CE: gosh that's hard. I think Steve would probably pick Bucky or sam he's gotten to be good friends with sam. But me. Gosh. Okay I have it I think y/c/n. Y/n's always so positive and your never in a bad mood when she's about.
"Would you like to see more of y/c/n and Steve then?"
CE: oh absolutely anything to get more film time with y/n.

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