10- He's falling

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(Y/n pov)
*I went to tell Sebastian my news about my movie and he insisted to make me dinner to go with this celebration that he didn't even know yet*

*I was sat on the kitchen counter watching Sebastian cook us dinner. If it tastes as good as it smelt then I'm very excited to eat it*
Y/n: I never knew you could cook
SS: what did you think I've gone 33 years without cooking (story set in 2016)
Y/n: umm..yeah

*he chuckled then walked over to me with a spoon of the source he was making. He blew on it to cool it down just before putting to my mouth*
SS: it might be hot.....good?
Y/n: it's so good. What is it?
SS: secret ingredients.
Y/n: oh come on
SS: nope not saying
*he went back to cooking for a bit when you turned to face me he had his beautiful smirk on his face*
Y/n: what..
SS: you have...
*he walked over to me, gently held the back of my neck bringing my mouth to his. As he kissed me he lick my bottom lip and gently bit down... he pulled his head back*
SS: source on your lip.
Y/n: oh.
*I looked down out of embarrassment but he lifted my chin up to meet his eyes*
SS: it's cute. Your always messy for me.

*He picked me up from the counter and carried me to the table that was all set up. Where we started eating the best food I've ever tasted*
SS: can you tell me the news now
Y/n: oh yeah!
SS: am I to distracting you forget about your news
Y/n: ha ha ha. Anyway! The news is. My agent rang me the other day saying they want to make my book 'there hold' into a movie
SS: oh my god that's amazing babe
Y/n: and I'm directing it plus I'm playing amaryllis.
SS: I'm so proud of you babe.
Y/n: so I have my three main men and I was wondering if you wanted to appear in it. Maybe one of the guys that work for them
SS: I'd love to.
Y/n: yay. Chris and Tom are also making a appearance at the end with the big fight. That's also where you will be

*when everything was cleaned and put away Sebastian starting kissing me with his hand griping my waist. My hands went behind his head playing with his hair which he loves when I do that. His mouth went along my jaw and down my neck as his soft hands wandered up my torso*
Y/n: seb..
SS: hmm
Y/n: I..I don't want to
*he stops but keeps ahold on me*
SS: what?
Y/n: I don't want to tonight
SS: oh okay. Is there something wrong. Did I do something
Y/n: no no I'm just really tired
SS: okay. Do you want to stay over. I can run you a bath and we can relax
*no no no no no no no no*
Y/n: umm no I better get back to tom before he get suspicious
SS: I thought he knew?
Y/n: he does.. but it freaks him out. Knowing what I do with you

*I left Sebastians a couple minutes later avoiding anything else to happen*
Y/n: it's happening!
FP: what is
Y/n: Sebastian. He's falling
TH: I'm out
FP: well of course he will look at you
Y/n: what do I do! Do I end it! I don't want to end it!
FP: calm down walk me through the night
*I told everything to Flo from the cooking to the rushing out in a hurry*
FP: okay. Why are you so scared about being more with him
Y/n: I'm just anxious about the public and what they will say
FP: okay so talk to Sebastian. Tell him what you want and don't want. By hearing what he is like with you he wants more and I'm sure he would do anything to make you happy
Y/n: okay. What do I do about Chris and do I tell Sebastian
FP: it's a open relationship Sebastian should be fine well not fine with it but.. I don't think he will go mental. Maybe a bit angry.
Y/n: oh god. I'm not ready for this
FP: go to bed. Sleep on it and you can make the final choice tomorrow.

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