8- Do it again.

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(Y/n pov)
*dinner with Sebastian and the rest of the team was.. nice extremely awkward. Sebastian kept wanting to talk to me so did Chris. I may as well cut myself in half*

AM: that was a nice idea. Thanks for suggesting it y/n
Y/n: oh that's not a problem but it was also Sebastians idea
SS: no your the one who set it up
*I felt like I had stabbed Sebastian and every time he remembered that we weren't alone the knife when deeper*
*when everyone was leaving. The worst happened. Chris asked to take me home before Sebastian did.-Knife. Twisting- just before I got in the car Sebastian came to me and kissed my cheek. I was angry he did it in public where people could see but then I was angry at myself because I wanted to grab him and kiss him back. What have I done*

*couple days later*
CE: do you want to go get coffee tomorrow
Y/n: yeah sure but is it okay if my friend comes.. her boyfriend just broke up with her and I don't really want to leave her
CE: ..yeah okay

*why did I do that! I keep making everything worse. I need to stop. I can't stop. She's going to kill me..*
FP: you did what!
Y/n: please!
FP: no I'm not being dragged into this
Y/n: please! I will do your laundry for a month.
FP: no. Do you know how awkward this will be and I have to pretend I have just been dumped
Y/n: well maybe it was you who dumped him. Your an actor! It's your job!
FP: y/n!
Y/n: please if you don't come then I will be alone with him in public and Sebastian might find out. I already crushed him yesterday. I don't want to do more crushing.
FP: ...fine but you need to be more careful or sort this all out.
Y/n: ...I'll be more careful

*coffee with Chris was nice. Not as awkward as the dinner with Sebastian. I still feel bad about that but I'll make it up to him in the way he likes it.*
CE: do you maybe wanna come over tonight
*I looked at Florence and the look she was giving me gave me 'don't do it' vibes*
Y/n: yeah sure.

*the drive was silent. We dropped Florence back at mine and I went home with Chris. As soon as we got through the door he kissed me*
CE: I've waited so long to do that.
Y/n: do it again.
*he kissed me again but this time longer. With his hands wrapping around my waist. I grabbed his belt pulling him close to me*
CE: *groans* you don't want to do that princess
Y/n: and why not
CE: you asked for this
*with that me threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom...the rest is history*

CE: your so beautiful. I could get use to you next to me in bed.
*I sat up to get my clothes back on*
CE: where are you going?
Y/n: sorry. I need to get back Tom wanted movie night tonight.
CE: oh. I was going to suggest you stay longer. You never stay the night
Y/n: sorry. I've just got to get back
CE: let me get dressed and I'll take you.
*he was right I never stayed the night not even with Sebastian and it's been going much longer with him. I'm playing with fire here.*

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