26- im fine

29 2 0

*couple days later*
HH: hey how have you been
TH: I've been better. Have you heard anything from y/n
HH: well actually I have
TH: you have! Where is she? Is she okay
HH: she lives about thirty minutes away.
TH: how do you know
HH: when I took Tess on a walk I saw her in the park
TH: how was she
HH: not at her best. She took me to her new place as well again that's not the best
TH: okay. I need to talk to her also Sebastian rang me the other day
HH: really? What did he say.
TH: not much just have I heard from her
HH: okay well I think you need to go see her. Your the one that she will listen to

*on a phone call*
SS: hey have you heard anything
TH: yeah I know where she lives. I'm actually on my way to her now
SS: okay. Good. I wanted to come down but I can't because of filming. I've tried to get out of it but I can't
TH: okay well I know where she is now so I'll talk to her and make sure she doing alright
SS: good okay thank you. Keep me updated
TH: okay I will
SS: oh and when is the baby due
TH: umm I think she's about 27 weeks now
SS: okay. Thanks you so much for this

Y/n: how did you find me
TH: hi tom it's so nice to see you again it's only been three weeks all on my own
Y/n: what do you want
TH: I want to talk
Y/n: there's nothing to talk about
TH: y/n. You never told us you were moving your not answering your phone. Your very pregnant and are in a deep slump of depression
Y/n: I'm fine
TH: yeah and I'm not Spider-Man.
Y/n: I just needed to get out of there. With everyone knowing now and Sebastian and Chris probably knowing I can't deal with that right now. I just need to be out of the line and the world till trouble is born
TH: and then?
Y/n: and then I'll talk to Sebastian and Chris I will clean my name from the spotlight
TH: okay but I don't want you to on your own
Y/n: I'm staying here. Look I've already done troubles room

*you and Tom went into the room that is all set up for trouble*
TH: wow you did this
Y/n: yeah. I needed to keep my mind busy look she has a spider man teddy
TH: aww that's cute
Y/n: I thought she needed it.

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