27-like the Sky

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(Y/n pov)
*im 36 weeks pregnant now. Almost there. Since Harry told Tom where I was -snitch- Tom has been here every day checking on me. Feeding me. We go to the park every other day to get out the house*

*ive seen Florence and my brothers but I haven't seen Timothee, Tom said he had a work thing to get to. I want to see him. I hate how I ended things with them last time*
TH: how are you doing today
Y/n: well I've been getting some pains
TH: what?
Y/n: it started last night but I'm sure it's just false labour it's fine it's normal.
TH: are you sure
Y/n: yes posi...tiv
TH: what just happened?
Y/n: nothing stop worrying.

*that nothing was stabbing pains in my side and what feels like contractions. False labour. I'm fine.*
FP: y/n I think you need to see a doctor

*after a couple more hours I gave in and we went in to hospital. When we got there and I got looked at I was rushed into surgery to get the baby out. Little Miss trouble wanted out but was sideways so couldn't come out on her own. Tim was right she is trouble.*

*This is not how I imagined my daughter coming into the world. In a surgical room with my brother standing at my head whilst people cut inside me*

*it was a scary rush. The whole day was. as soon as she was born she got taken away. There was a lot of talking and a lot of moving around from everyone around. She was 4 weeks early and she was tiny.*

*she was so little. When I first saw my daughter she was covered in wires in a glass tank. I was sat in the chair next to her not being able to touch her. Tom was stood next to me holding my hand*

TH: it's going to help her. She'll be okay
*all I wanted to do was hold her I sat there silently crying into Tom. It wasn't until the next day I got to hold her*
Y/n: she's...she's so small and soft and delicate.
TH: she is. Her hand is like the size of my thumb.
Y/n: she'll come home soon won't she
"She still needs help but she's doing good for her size. But it might be two weeks or more"
Y/n: ...okay.
"You never know she might take a turn and become strong overnight"
TH: don't worry. She'll be home before you know it

*I was sent home a couple days later without my daughter. I go to visit her everyday. Her second day into the world she opened her eyes and I just fell in love with her. Her eyes were so blue like the sky on a summers day*
Y/n: hiya little one. You'll come home soon. Your eyes are beautiful
TH: who has blue eyes
Y/n: they both do
TH: there really blue. It's a bit creepy how bright they are
Y/n: she's not creepy they are like the sky. Sky? Skylar.

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