13- Come and watch.

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(Sebastian pov)

*I've been with my girlfriend for about a month now. Wow she's my girlfriend. It's been better then I expected. After filming she comes over we eat and watch movies. We do other stuff, but now it's different it's with more feeling behind it.*

*we're sat on the couch y/n laying between my legs with her back on my chest. Soaking each other's presents up*
SS: how's filming?
Y/n: it's going good. Today was when Amaryllis was training with Rowen. Me and Liam couldn't keep a straight face.
SS: how many punches did you land?
Y/n: to many. It's bad. I really don't know how to fake fight. It wouldn't surprise me if he come to set tomorrow with a black eye.
SS: come on babe your not that strong.
Y/n: oh really that's not what you said when I punched you and you fell into Chris.
*she's got a point. She's so tiny yet so strong. there's a part in the book where Amaryllis is with all three men.. at the same time.*
SS: hey I thought we weren't going to bring that up again. Have you filmed that part with all three of them yet?
Y/n: ..no I think we will be next week. Why?
*it's her job I need to think about. I've done plenty of scenes like that so I can't really say anything. I'm not happy about it but I can't stop her*
SS: I'm not going to stop you but can I came to set that day.
Y/n: umm if you want. It's all going to be fake so don't panic that they will be better then you.
SS: maybe I should just remind you. Just in case.

(Chris pov)-a different day.
CE: you tired princess?
Y/n: very. Acting and directing is hard.
CE: come on I'll carry you to bed.
*she works so hard. When she comes over all I want to do is hold her and watch her sleep. I carry her to my bed and she lays there whilst I play with her hair*
Y/n: tomorrow I have a full day of kissing.
*when shes super tired she sometimes just says anything. She even talks in her sleep well try's to talks. It's adorable*
CE: what?
Y/n: tomorrow I have to kiss Timothee, Liam and Aaron. Oh and pretend to have sex with them.
*I forgot that was a scene she had to do. I'm not that happy about my princess kissing another man. The only one that can touch her or come that close to her is me*
CE: I think when I drop you off tomorrow I might stay.
Y/n: Me and the boys were talking about it the other day and what we are go to do and not going to do. It's all going to be fake so you have both to worry.
CE: I know but I just want to watch they don't go to far.
Y/n: I like when you go all protective over me
CE: that's my job
*I kiss her head as she drifted of to sleep. Looking so beautiful*

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