3 Emergancy

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Beep beep beep... heart moniter showed that this person's heart was amost leaping out of his chest. The sound put everyone in the room quite a scare and loud shouting befallen on the room.

"What's going on?!" The tallest woman scearmed still shocked about this new event.

"I don't know! Nothing was wrong how could this happen all of a sudden. He seemed fine after he awoke!" A guy grabbed his head shaking it.

"Is this some kind of delay?!" Another person shouted over everyone. It was real panick. The boys sudden outbrust made this quiet room a mess. They had to think of something before any harm befallen on the male behind the monitor.

"What's wrong, Nathan? You were perfectly fine before." The leader tried asking herself. She looked at others they were all scared, shaking from the news they heard in the room. They still were frozen inside the jym. As no one talked, trying to cope the situation. Zane was stable. This boy gave a shock after his awakening but it seemed normal but Nathan was different.

He seemed calm about the strange place and the idea he surely had about being kidnapped.

"Miss, you have to tell the director. He needs to know about what's happening." As their boss was mentioned everyone froze. That guy was real terrifying.

Their leader took a deep breath and pulled herself towards the door. 'It's fine, he'll definitely shout and threaten us.' The girl calmed her own rising heartbeat.

Klick klick klick. Loud woman heels filled quiet hallway. Young woman was almost sprinting to give the news to the director. It was agaisnt the rules to enter his office withought knocking but at urgent moments like these he had to know as fast as possible.

"Director! Nathan's heart beat quicken, he's not in stable state." Woman finished, making well build man pace towards the computers that monitors the boys state.

"Where is he?!" The male shouted, scaring everyone in the room.

"Inside a studio." The same woman answered. She was able to catch how uneasy the male was right this second.

"What is he doing there?" He questioned again.

"He noticed the date, sir. Could it be he remembers something?" A guy inside the room told.

"You better keep him alive or I'll skin you all. Do you understand me!" Male shouted enraged and slammed the door after leaving.

"What can we do?!" Squeaky voice of a girl questioned. "If that guy collapses and dies, we're dead as well! I'm too young to die!" The girl started to panick. The woman in charge couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Woman's POV

"Stop your yelling. It's not gonna help this situation." She said annoyed. Why  is she even working here? I looked at the screen. I saw the male sitting on the ground putting on golden wrist watch. Why is he doing that?

Common Nathan. Don't die on us. I chanted. We couldn't do anything, our hands were tied behind our backs.

I peered into the monitor next to me to see that his heart was now slowing down to normal heart rate. It looked like the boy was able to breath again withought any force. As I saw him take a deep breath I took one myself as now everything was back to normal and people in the room stopped panicking.

"Thank God, we won't die today." One of the males said signing.

"What do you mean today! I prefer to never die. I want to be always this young and gorgeous." She praised herself but everyone ignored as always. This girl cannot stop with her nonsense. I looked at my friend on the right and she smiled at me.

"Everything is fine now.  I don't think it's going to happen again soon." She told but it wasn't that much comforting as she wish something like that would never happen.

The killing game didn't even start yet. So boss would be very angry if someone died from their diseases and not the knife in a person's hand.

I took a seat on my chair as the day wasn't over as it was still morning. This is going to be a very long day. I thought to myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at the person beside me.

"Don't worry. All of us are a team. If anything happens we'll figure it out." She gently reminded me. It was really enormous plan and every single person in this room was responsible.

This plan has to be success or else they die. Nathan never scare us like that again. Good that both boys were smart enough and could keep themselves in check if he hadn't found a way to calm down the plan would have crumbled right in front of our eyes.

"I'll tell that he's stable now." I said heading back to the coldest office in this huge building. This time I knocked on the door, so I wouldn't disturb him.

"Come in." He shouted still furious. I walked in closing the door behind me. Stopped in from of the male and bowed a little. "Ah, it's you. Better tell me good news." He said aggressively.

"He's stable again." I told three words that made the male take a deep sign.

"Good. Continue your work. I want to know why this sudden outbrust happened." He told and turned behind to look outside the window. The sun was already starting going down.

"Yes, sir." As I said, left the room immediately. Hallway was now lit with snowy white lights. Corridor was empty as it didn't have anything. It was normal for the workers but then guests arrived they complained how unlively this building looks.

How can it be lively then the boss enjoyed watching people kill and be tortured. Of course no one told that to the guests. Workers here were called devoted to the job as no one ever left the company.

Leaving this job is a death sentence. So no one could spill the beans about the inside information.

You work or die.

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