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Jaehyun- thats my card ?!!
Me - its only 18 million. You'll be fine.
Oh? Why is your card declined ???
Jaehyun- I doubt it.
Me - it has? Is your bank empty ?
Jaehyun- it's never empty.
He opened his mobile banking app qnd showed us all
Jaehyun - see I'm not poor. I have the money.
I went back onto it and it said sold.
Me - that isn't fair! Omg. It says sold!
Haechan- nevermind. We tried.
I opened the message section

Do you know why my card payment has failed ?

Yes, the boy has already sold

Do you have an idea of when
he is available again?

3 years from now

I want to cry. I want to hit someone. I slammed the laptop shut and threw it across across room.
Jaehyun- again. Really ??
Me - 3 fucking years jaehyun!
I pulled at my hair and doyoung took my hands away.
I grabbed my own phone and started texting ten.
Me - where the heck are you being sent now !???
Oi. Not the time to not open your messages. Your mom is such a fucking bitch. Tell her little religious ass this isn't a phase and you ain't gonna be getting over it. Tell me your address now. I'm going to come and slap her myself.
I'm gonna have jaehyun beat your dad up I swear to fucking god.
18 million bitch. Your such a material girl istg.
I rang him a few times before he finally answered.
Ten- Junie?
He was crying.
Me - stop crying and man the fuck up. Or woman up. Whatever you want it to be. Don't ignore my messages from now on. Okay?
Tell me everything. Like if your put in school. Or if you get a side job. Okay?
Ten- I'm going to jeju
Me- as in jeju islands ??
Ten- yeah
Me - as In like taeyongs House jeju islands ??
Ten- I dont know where he lives Do I?
Me - right. Im coming to jeju okay? If you see anything that gives away where abouts you are let me know.
Ten- I dont wanna go though. I don't even know what I'm going for.
Me - let's just hope your a cleaner yeh?
Ten- how do you even know?
Wait...I've got to go. My mom's here with my dad
He fumbled around.
The call kept going.
His mom- your going to do everything your told when your there understand ?
Ten - and what am I even going there for ?
His Mom- you wanted to be gay. We will let you be gay. Atleast bring some money in from it

Ten pov

Me - what do you mean? Mom?
Mom- your body ten. Make sure it's clean.
Me - what do you mean?
Mom- your body. That's what we sold.
Your virginity.
Me - you think I'm a virgin?
Dad - I swear son. If you have.
Me - what you gonna do about it ? Send me away? Too late. Your already doing it. Can I atleast know where I'm going ?
Mom- a very rich family's son. One we have done business with before.
You know. The one living on the beach.
Me -which beach again?
Dad- the one infront of **** hotel.
Me - no.. no eomma please. I can't go there.
Mom- too late. You disgusting child.
She slammed the door and I tried opening it up
Me - mom! Please. You know I can't go there.
I heard sounds coming from my phone
Renjun- ten!?
Me - please renjun you have to come get me. I can't go there. We are going to incheon ai-
The driver shouted and grabbed my Phone turning it off immediately.
Me - hey!

Renjun pov

The line cut off and I grabbed doyoung. And his keys.
Me - let's go.
Doyoung- what where?
Me - incheon Airport.
He was taking too long.
I walked out and already started the car
I drive out of the drive way and left without him.
I sped over and I saw tens car among the rest.
I ran inside and asked about the flight to jeju.
Me - please you can't let that flight go. He's being forced to go.
Woman - let me take this call.
She held her hand up to me
Woman- yes Mr Lee . Of course
She spoke through the speaker.
Woman- flight 247 to jeju Island has been delayed 2 hours. Please may security come to boarding room 6.
Me - what's going on??
Woman - someone very important is on his way to join the flight . It must be delayed. I ran to the boarding room and two huge men stood with Ten. He was talking and I laughed
Me - baby!
His head shot up and his smiled was wide.
The two men stood closer to ten if it was even possible and ten shot up from his seat running down to me.
The man chased after him which only made him run quicker.
We had gotten to the exit when I saw doyoung.
Doyoung - quickly then you idiots !
We ran down and a loud bang caused ten to fall down
He held his leg and there was blood coming out from it
A small knife was deep in his leg.
Doyoung grabbed ten and I ran behind them. I opened the doors and we soon left.
Another car pulled out infront of the men. I saw Johnny and chenle waving. We had driven to taeils when I shouted for chenle.
He came out quickly rubbing his hands together.
We lugged ten inside and he grimaced as chenle checked everywhere else.
Chenle - okay. What can I say.
Say cheese on the count of 3 ?
He pulled the knife out making blood spurt everywhere.
He packed it together as he started stitching something inside his leg. The blood slowly stopped as he did it and he stitched him up.
Taeil-what happened ?
Me - we were running to the car and this happened.
Where is everyone ?
Taeil- they've gone either home, or just upstairs.
I think taeyongs gone home tonight to make sure things are ready for us to leave in the morning. I nodded and ten had already fallen asleep

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