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Ten pov

Everyone was rushing around finding their things and we left for the airport in 10 minutes.
Felix - do you not have anything to get?
Me - nope. I'll just steal taeyongs clothes when I get there.
Felix - your a bit intrusive don't you think?
Me- not at all. And I wouldnt care if I was.
We had all climbed into cars and me and felix just shared with renjun and doyoung
Doyoung - how have you and chan been these days felix?
Felix - well..... we haven't really talked obviously but when we do he cries alot.
Me - who's chan?
Felix - my boyfriend.
Me - ah I see. Does he want to fight for you?
Felix - really ?? He'd snap you in half and use you as a pillow.
Renjun- felix. Your so violent.
We laughed and finally arrived at the airport.

Time skip

At jeju City.

We had driven a few miles from the airport and pulled up to the mist beautiful house I have ever seen

We had driven a few miles from the airport and pulled up to the mist beautiful house I have ever seen

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Me - no way.
Doyoung laughed at my reaction.
Felix - chan!
He jumped out the car and into a very tall, broad man.
Me - ew your boyfriends a drug dealer ?
BangChan- who's this ?
Me - his brother what about it ?
Bangchan- ew your brothers a crackhead?
Felix - you do drugs ?
Me - no. No way. Pft . Stop lying Michelin man.
Bangchan- it's chan. Not Michelin man crackhead.
Me - someone tell him I ain't a crack head !
Taeyong- you are a bit.
Me - is no one on my side ?
Renjun- yeah your not just a crackhead.
Me - what's that suppose to mean!??
Renjun - nowt. See ya all later.
They all walked inside and taeyong stood at the door.
Taeyong- you going to come inside or not ?
Me - uhh..... yeah I am.
I ran past him and I tripped over ny own feet.
I hit the floor and rolled onto my back.
Me - how embarrassing.
Taeyong held a hand out for me and I didn't take it. I slapped it away and he scowled.
Me - I don't need your help thanks.
People had gone to I'm guessing their rooms.
Taeil came out of one.
Me - who's is who's room?
He pointed them all out for me
Taeil- then taeyongs is the one at the very end facing you
I shrugged and walked towards it opening it.
Taeil- what are you doing ?
Me - showering.
Taeil- your not allowed I'm there. No one is.
Me - and ? I don't care
I walked into his bathroom grabbing a towel. I only had a quick one. I wrapped the towel around me and walked to his closet.
I took one of his shirts and put it on. I looked through his underwear and tbh- I wasn't gonna be wearing no manly boxers.
I put the towel around me and ran to renjuns room.
He looked at me surprised and I went through his drawers.
Renjun- what on earth?
I grabbed a pair of underwear and put them on.
Me - im borrowing these ones.
I put a pair of sock on and ran down stairs.
Taeil looked at me first.
Taeil- go take it off and get one of mine.
Me - no im good.
I looked down and saw that the shirt had a symbol on it. Proves that it's taeyongs ig. I sat down on the sofa and renjun came and laid on top of me.
Renjun- why do you have taeyongs clothes on?
Me - cos I do? Want to fight ?
Renjun- not really.
He fell asleep and I threw a pillow at doyoung.
He looked at me and came over. He picked him up and I sat up.
Doyoung - he's gonna kill you for wearing his shit
Me - no he won't. I'll be fine.
Maid- breakfast is ready.
We all shot up baring renjun and went to the table.
I then felt bad so I went to wake him up.
Me - come on junie breakfast is ready.
He grumbled some crap before getting uo and walking ahead of me.
I walked in and noticed atleast 20 more people than there should be.
There was a seat at the very end of the table next to taeyong but I looked around desperately to find another seat.
Everyone's eyes were on me before I went and sat down next to taeyong
Taeyong- is that my shirt ?
Me - no. I don't know what your on about? I thought it was mine.

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