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We finished peacefully this time.
No disruptions. Except from the kaughter at the other end of the table. As the table went  further down the more immature everyone seemed to get. Literally. Ten sat at the opposite end and he waved at me.
I nodded a no and everyone left for bed. I of course went to finish work. About an hour passed and I saw ten peek his head around the door
Ten- can I come in?
Me - yeah...
Ten- I've kinda just been walking around this past hour. I dont have a room.
He laughed and smiled.
Me - I was expecting you to just invite yourself to a room.
Ten- I was debating it but then I realised I've probably already pressed a few buttons with everybody.
I nodded a little.
Me - maybe. But. Its like the buttons a sibling would press.
Ten- are you saying you think of me as a sibling. That kinda weird I can't lie.
Me - omg no!! I dont.... oh god.
He laughed again  and I smiled.
Ten- see your cute when you smile.
Me- cute ?
Ten-yeah, your cute little cheeks, and your ..lips...
He went quiet and he let go of my cheeks..
Ten- uh....sorry.

Taeil pov

I went to get jaehyun a drink and heard taeyong laughing.
Ten- see your cute when you smile
It went quiet from there and I pressed my ear against the Door.
I heard a thud on the wall and I listened harder.
Taeyong- stay here a little longer ?
I ran down the stairs and got jaehyuns drink.
I practically threw it at him confused and he grunted.
Jaehyun- that's cold you whore.
Me - shut up I'm thinking. Surely they wouldn't. In the office ?

Ten pov

I sat down with taeyong. I was helping him do paperwork.
Taeyong - just put your thumbprint on it.
He passed me an inkpad and I put ny thumb on it
Me - like this ?
Taeyong - yeah
Me - how do you expect mine to pass for yours ?
Taeyong - I'll send an email to them all.
Just carry on.
I nodded and after about an hour my back started to hurt and my thumb had gone numb.
Me - how many more ?
Taeyong - about 500. You've done alot already ten. You can go sleep
Me - im good. I've got this covered.

Taeyong pov

I passed him the last pile and ten was dozing off at the desk. 6.47.
He had fallen asleep when I lifted him up and walked down the hall.
Joshua - sir.
Me - good morning Joshua. Have a nice run.
He nodded and bowed his head before walking down
I opened my door and lait ten on the bed covering him up.
I still don't think this is a wise idea. He can be put in so much danger with me. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if anything happened to him.
I went back to my office and I finished the invites to the ball next week and the rest of the house was awake. I laughed as renjun was running around with taeil waking the late risers.
Ten was grumbling. He was wearing a pair of my joggers and a tshirt with a blanket wrapped around him. He had dark circles under his eyes and his thumb was still covered in ink.
Wooyoung -are they pants I see ten?
Ten- I'm not in the mood for you wooyoung.
Just let me chill.
Wooyoung - are you feeling okay? You look kinda pale?
I looked over at him And taeil put his spoon in his mouth felling his forehead.
Taeil- ten your burning up. What the fuck happened?
Ten- nothing. I just stayed up late.
Hongjoong- you need to go back to bed ten.
Ten- okay
Me - eat your breakfast first.
He ate it slowly before getting up and walking back to my room with the blanket wrapped around him. If he wasn't so ill I would of found looking at it quite funny.
Ten- don't laugh at me
I looked away and he slammed the door.
Me - gosh. I shouldn't have asked him to stay up.
Bangchan- he was with you ?
Me- yeah?
Bangchan- so you didn't sleep either ?
Me - no. He helped me with the invites for the ball next week.
Taeil- so what was the bang-
Me - what bang?
Taeil- I heard something bang against your wall last night when I went to get jaehyuns drink
Taeyong - don't worry yourself about it. It was ten he was mucking about.
He nodded.
Hongjoong- you should really go sleep as well.
Me - ill be fine 
Hongjoong- go sleep. You cant be in the same state as ten tomorrow.
Me - is everyone gonna be okay with that ?
They nodded.
Me - taeil, you'll do my jobs for today.
Taeil- yes sir.
I passed him the keys for the office and went to my room.
Ten was already asleep and I laid down next to him grabbing the spare blankets.
I sighed and quickly fell asleep

*Completed*Sex On The Beach~ TaetenWhere stories live. Discover now