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Ten- I just don't want to be in pain.
Me - these should help you ten.
He had been sat up and he held his arm out. I pinched inbetween the skin on his arm and put both the shots in.
Me - that okay?
Ten- yeah.
He blew his nose
Ten- I can bend my arm right ?
Me - yes you can ten.
He laughed making both me and woo both laugh.
Me - will you be joining us all for dinner outside ?
Me - maybe not today.
Woo- okay little dude. We're all missing you. Especially when this one is letting no one see you.
Me - I want him sorted first.
Woo- I know I'm messing with you. Let's leave ten to rest now minghao
We left and he just laid down and went to sleep.
Me - he breaks my heart.
Woo- let's just wait for another day now.

Ten pov

The day had ended and another started soon enough. And I watched it all. Until the moment I started shaking. My wrists were shaking.  I felt better though. I feel okay. Why am i shaking ? Am I cold? I dont feel it.

Minghao- ten is everything okay?
Me - yeah let's go?
I covered my hands up. He won't notice right ?
He nodded.
Minghao- these are two of my colleagues. Kevin and jacob. Kevin's paediatrics but he knows what he's doing especially Considering your so young.
Me - im 19.
Kevin- I'm also like te funniest person to be around.
I held onto minghaos arm as we came to what I'm guessing is his work room
Kevin- alright let's get started then. Take your hoodie off for us.
They all sat writing down their own bits.
I took it off slowly revealing the tiny shake to my hands.
He took my hands looking at them closely.
Kevin- are you cold ?
Me - no
Kevin- are you.... nervous ?
Me - I don't think so.
Kevin- are you. Ticklish?
Me - what?
He attacked my sides with jabs and twists.
I laughed and he walked away before saying something to minghao.
Minghao asked me to do a bunch of weird movements whilst Kevin just made me laugh through them all.
He asked me to lift my arms up to under my arms
Kevin- hey you look like a chicken.
They all laughed and I felt more at ease. My hands were still shaking and I'm sure it looked worse than it did to me.
I walked around the room whilst they talked about something.
I saw a mirror and slowly walked up to it.
Me - omg.
They're heads shot up to me.
Me - I look a right mess. Why did no one tell me.
Kevin- I though you looked that horrid naturally.
I crouched down and jacob noticed me first.
Jacob- is everything alright ?
Me - yeah I'm just.    Catching my breathe
I took a few deep breaths trying to steady myself a bit. It wasn't working and I felt my chest trying to find it's own air.
I sat down and minghao was the first person next to Me
Minghao- talk to me ten. What's going on.
Me - I can't... b.....b reathe.
i closed my eyes until I felt myself laid on my back with a mask over my nose and mouth.
Side note don't laugh too much
I soon recovered earning sympathetic looks from the 3 men.
Me - don't look at me like that
Manghao- I almost shit myself.
Kevin- you shoukd go to the doctors for that.
We laughed a little and jacob helped me up. His hands were soft. Minghao finished tests. Making me say things. Write things.
Minghao- you can go to sleep now.
I smiled almost immediately dozing off.
Kevin- not here. Come on ill take you.
He slipped his hoodie back on and they left.
Jacob- there is slowed speech. Moving and poor reflexes right ?
Me - yes I agree. I have equipment requested to have mri and ct scans done as well as gene testing.
Jacob - maybe ask him and felix if any of their parents have any diseases or genetic mutations.
Me- I will be doing they're both very restricted on knowledge about their parents. They also fail to be in my system at work so I can't look myself.
Jacob- I'll have Kevin do some digging on then and maybe try and get their numbers.
Me - alright I will do.
Kevin and jacob had already left for their rooms and I went to felix.
Me - lix?
I knocked on the door
I heard shuffling and a messy haired felix opened the door.
Me - can I come in?
Felix- no.not really what do you want ?
Me - I need to ask you some questions about your parents. Well tens ? I dont know if you have the same parents.
Felix - we don't. My mom couldnt keep to herself. We have different dads.
Me - then does your mom hva easy genetic mutations that you know of ?
Felix - I don't think so.
Me - do you have either your dads or mom's number ?
He walked away
Felix - stop it for a minute chan.
He passed me his phone
Chan- felix hurry up.
Felix - minghao hurry up.
I smiled before walking away
I heard laughter from the room once the door shut.
Chan- do you like that baby?
Felix - yes daddy 
I sighed and walked back to my work room.
I dialed dialed numbers of their mom first.
Woman- hello!? Who's this ?
Me - hello I'm a doctor working with your son. Ten.
Woman- and ? What do you want ? I'm not paying for anything to do with that boy.
Me - thats not what I rang for. Your sons not very well and I'm needing to find out if you or his father has any genetic mutations or diseases.
Woman- I hope I do not. God knows about his father. I haven't spoken to him since the day we slept together
Me - by chance do you know his name ?
Woman- why would I remember his name ? It was a one night thing.
Me - thankyou for your help.
She ended the call and i sighed.
Me - so I don't even know his dad's name.
Jacob- what's going on?
Me - tens dad isn't the same as felix and no one knows his name.
Jacob- I'll check his birth records. I'm guessing his dad must have been Thai.
Me - possibly. Don't trust me on that fact.
Jacob- is there a chance ten knows who his dad is
I sighed
Me - thats mean waking the boy up again...
Jacob - we need to help him minghao.
I'll go ask yeh?

I nodded and I looked over everything again. I looked at his blood tests but I saw something I didn't see before.

Me - wooyoung !
I ran downstairs with the paper in my hand and everyone stared st me in shock.
Wooyoung - what?
I stood behind him and wrapped my arm around him putting the paper In front of him
Me - look. Just me or is that not normal!???
Wooyoung - im not a haemotologist
Me - yes you are?
Wooyoung - oh yeah I am. Oops.
He looked at it and everyone stared waiting for an answer.
Wooyoung- thats nor normal. No.
Me - fantastic. Well not fantastic. But I've found something 

Wooyoung pov

He ran away and we all laughed.
Taeil- we are having lunch outside again today whilst it's a nice day.
Taeyong- what's the point?
Taeil- right stop being moody. They've found something. So stop being a negative nelly.
He shut up and we waited until lunch was ready

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