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We had all left for school. I felt bad for ten. We left him at home with taeil and jaehyun.
I'll check up on him at lunch but....he might need it. They were going on aboit having expansions done on the back of the house. So it's gonna be noisy.

Taeil pov
Ten had woken up soon after everyone had left for school. He was struggling to get up and walk around.
Me - are you okay?
Ten- can I get a shower ?
Jaehyun- is that wise ? You can barely stand.
Ten- but I'm dirty and sweaty.
Taeil- how about a bath and then if you need help I can come in yeah?
Ten- sure. Thankyou.
He walked with me to the bathroom and I started running the water.
Me - will you be okay from here ?
Ten- uh...I think so.
I shut the door and ran back downstairs.
Jaehyun- is he sorted ?
Me - yep
He smiled walking closer to me. He kissed my cheeks and my nose and my lips.
I budged away and he laughed continuing to attack my neck with kisses. We had sat down and watched TV whilst men were doing work round back.
It had been about an hour when I heard a shout.
Ten- taeil!?
I got up and walked upstairs
Me - what's the matter ?
Ten- can you help me a minute?
I opened the door and he had his toweling hand but coukdnt get himself up out the bath.
I put the towel around him and lifted him up.
I tied the towel at his waist and took him to the spare bedroom.
Me - you okay?
Ten- it hurts a little less.
I passed him a tshirt and a pair of jaehyuns joggers.
Me - do you need help getting changed?
Ten- please.
I crouched down and put his legs through the holes.
I pulled them up to his waist and I noticed some scars on his upper thighs and stomach.
Me - what are these from ten?
Ten- ummm....Last year ? It was a bad hear for me.
Me - promise me you won't do this again yeh?
Ten- I promise. If you forgot things are alot better than last year.
I nodded and I out the tshirt on him.
Me - right. Now. So I don't cry I'm going to need a hug.
He smiled and opened his arms for me.
We laughed and messed about until jaehyun came upstairs and caught us wrestling each other.
Jaehyun- yall finished? Renjuns been spamming the house phone.
Ten- I forgot about him.oops.
He went over to the phone
Ten- hello?
This isn't renjun?
Jaehyun- yes it is he said its renjun
Ten- dad?
What do you want ?
How did you get this number?
I walked up to ten and jotted the number down in my phone
Ten- don't ring this number ever again.
Understand ?
You could faintly hear the other man through the phone
His dad- you need to come home. Your brothers miss you alot
Ten - you haven't spoke to my brothers for over 5 years. Don't lie to me.
His Dad- felix misses you alot.
Ten- don't mess around with me u aren't falling for your tricks these times.
I stood infront of him
Jaehyun- what are you doing ?
Me - ten you need to listen carefully
I whispered at him
Me - is your brother yongbok Lee?
He nodded a yes.
Me - ask to hear him. Your brothers been missing for 2 years.
I opened a page on my phone a d showed him the missing persons report
Me - can I speak to him?
Dad- of course.
Felix- tennie ? How are you doing ?
Ten- why are you back now ?
Felix - we are at the house in daegu. You should come find me.
Ten- is everything okay? They aren't forcing you to stay there are they?
Felix -
he's very nice to me
Everyday he helps me if i need it
Let's just say he's changed alot
Please come visit me.
Mom isn't doing very well either
Everyone misses you

The call ended and I looked so confused.
Ten - can I have a piece of paper?
I looked at him confused but passed him one. He wrote down the last sentences felix said.
Ten- look
The start of each sentence:
Ten- I'm gonna have to go aren't I?
Me - maybe?
Ten- let's keep it between us three and let's go now ?
Jaehyun-sure. Let's go.
We got into the car and I told them the directions.
We pulled up and I opened the door.
Ne - promise you'll wait here? I dunno...ummm I'll scream or break a window or sum if I need help yeh?
Taeil- try and be quick?
I nodded and walked inside.
Felix- ten! Come on let's go.
Me - what? What's going on.
Felix - come in little brother ill explain later !
He pushed me out the door when I heard my dad shouting.
Me - what did you do?
Felix - just a little bit if acid.
Me - your a Psycho.
Felix - im saving my life.
Get it right.
Felix- what are you two doing here.
Taeil- shut up felix
Ten- you know each other ?
Felix - close friends from other people
Jaehyun- where the fuck were you these past 2 years ??
Felix - I was In Australia At one point and then my dad's minions found me.
How did you meet my brother?
Ten- renjun introduced me.
Felix - ah I see ? No other reasons ?
Taeil- taeyongs taken quite a liking to him as well. Don't lie ten.
Ten- if that how he likes someone don't get me involved.
Felix - why has he done something to you?
Ten- no! No of course not. He's just really twisted. he's like hot and cold.
One minute he'll be talking to me, you know acting all happy and messing around with me and the next almost like he's realised something he shrugs me off and ignores me All the time.
Like dude. If your gonna pretend to like me then be a jerk don't mess me around.
He looked at all of us just staring at him.
Ten- sorry. I didnt mean to say all that.
Felix - maybe you should say all of that to him?
Me - no Im good. He wants to play hot and cold so will I.
Taeil- oh I sat take these mind games.
Jaehyun- do you want dropping off anywhere felix?
Felix - uhhhhh no my uhh... friends are at jeju with taeyong. So I'm just gonna crash with you guys
Jaehyun- we are going to taeyongs tonight you idiot.
Felix - then I'll be coming with you tonight.
Ten had smacked his head against the window causing us all to look at him confused.
Felix - what's the matter with you ?

Maybe we should be going to a mental hospital ?

Ten- he's just confused me so much. Does he like me or not cos like I can go away and I can get over him a few boys later. Like I just need a yes or no answer.
Me- hey taeyong ?
I dialed his number.
Taeyong- what's the matter ? Is everyone okay?
Me- I mean ten got stabbed in the leg.
Taeyong- he's okay though right ??
Me - why does it matter ?
Taeyong - im asking a question taeil.
Me - well no. Its really confusing me and jaehyun. Do you like ten?
Taeyong - why are you even asking that ?
Me - yes or no?
Taeyong- it's complicated
Me - its no though. Do you like him or do you not like him??
Taeyong - well.....
Ten covered his ears.
Taeyong - I guess ...yeah.
He looked at me.
Me - what have you got to say about that ten?
Taeyong - taeil!
Ten- then dont be a dick about it....
Both of them fell silent when suddenly felix piped up.
Felix- hey there tae. You like my little brother ? Do we have to fight over him?
Taeyong - felix ? Where did u pick him up from ?
Ten- the sewers
He snorted a little whislt laughing
Ten- uhhhh...I guess I'll see you tomorrow
Taeyong- yeah... I guess you will.
I ended the call and ten smacked himself.
Ten- I'll see you tomorrow. Is this a joke ten??
Jaehyun- calm down you nutter.
Ten- what sort of idiot says that to the man he likes ?
Jaehyun- so he's not even a boy anymore ? He's a man?
Me - I saw him naked. He's Deffo a man.
Felix - you what??
Me - it was an accident. At renjuns. He was in renjuns bedroom and renjun told me it was free.
Taeil- I didn't know this.
We had arrived home and they both dived for the sofa.
Felix - budge yourself over I want to sleep.
Ten - are you crazy? I'm sleeping here.
Ten grabbed a pillow and hit him over the head with it.

Felix - are you a nut job?
He reached for the pillow and we heard ten shouting
Ten- my leg ! Your hurting my leg !
Felix - what? Are you okay??
Ten smacked him round the head sith the pillow causing him to fall off the sofa.
Ten- find your own sofa bitch.
Felix - no fair you tricked me !
Ten- you'll get used to it.

*Completed*Sex On The Beach~ TaetenWhere stories live. Discover now