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Dear Renjunie

It fails to amaze me how quickly change can occur, like the tides change bringing newness.
I felt like I've just met you and yet I'm already moving away, and I smile knowing I'll get to see you until your last day.
I can only hope we keep in touch, because normally these things don't last.
Not being able to talk everyday. Or not being able to see each other everyday.

I'll always be here for you, to listen for. At very least in spirit, if I'm not in plain sight. Write to me or call me, I'll always lend an ear. Leave me a voicemail
My schedules not so crazy but I can only listen to you

I hope you know, that without you, I wouldnt be who I am today.

So to end this I only have two things I want to say,
Thankyou so much and I love you

T.L - your best friend

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