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Taeyong pov

Ten hadn't spoken to me for about 3 weeks. He locked himself in his room letting members of the medic teams inside and renjun.
This isn't how I wanted things to play out. At all. Jaehyun warned me that this is how it would go. I never listen.
I apologised to ten and asked him to talk to me. He didn't.
3 weeks had soon stretched to 3 months and every time someone came out of that room they were almost in tears.
Me - pllo9 z Ahy are you all so upset ?
Kun- he's at a really bad point taeyong. And he won't leave that room to get the therapy he needs
Me - im sorry. Its all my fault.
Kun- don't say that. Yes you may have pushed him to the isolation in the first place. But now he gets too tired walking to and from the bathroom on some days. And. He asks about you all the time. And I'm sure if you just go in. He will talk to you.
Me - okay
I wiped my eyes and my nose before sliding through the gap kun left.
I walked towards the bed.
Ten- who let you in?
Me - I just need to talk to you. Even if we aren't going to be together.
Ten- o...OK
Me-should we let some light and air in?
Ten- sure.
He shuffled his way up the bed a d sat up as I opened the curtains and the window.
Me - when was the last time these sheets were changed ? These are gross.
Ten- how long have I been here ?
Me - come on let's sit you over here and I'll change the sheets.
He nodded and he used me as support to walk over to the sitting area.
Ten- why is your room so big ?
I laughed and looked at the window for a little while. It was the perfect view of my mother's garden.
Ten- I love flowers.
Me - we will have to go out and see this bit of the garden when your up for it.
Ten- I want to... be better quick then.
Me - its get better quickly ten.
Ten- don't call me ten. I like baby more.
Me - really ?
He nodded and smiled and I went to change the sheets.
I walked out with the dirty sheets in my arms taking them to the laundry rooms.  Grabbing fresh sets and tens clean washing.
Jaemin- where have you been?
He grabbed his and jenos clean washing
Me - im talking with Ten. Freshening the room up a bit.
He smiled nodding at me and I left putting the sheets on the bed and making it.
Me - don't you think its going to be wise coming out the room and getting the therapy you need?
Ten- I think...yes. I want normal again.
I looked over at him and he looked disheartened with himself.
Me - hey smile again. Your doing fine. This is why therapy is going to help you.
He smiled and I punched his cheek.
Me - look how cute you are.
He laughed coming away from me and he held my hand.
Ten- it scared me. That night. Didn't know what to do.
I think I should just go along. But. bad people only.
Me - only bad people.
He leant over to me and kissed my cheek.
Me - should I tell them your ready to start therapy ten?
Ten- yes. I want that pretty garden. See it. I think. Yes.
Me - thats was my mother's garden. I've not been able to look after it like I've wanted to. Maybe you can help me liven it up.
He nodded smiling
Ten- go tell ming.....ming....kun
Me - minghao?
Ten- quick. Quick.
Me - I will do. But first. Can I have a kiss?
I leant closer to him and he kissed me nose.
Me - do you want to stay here a little bit ?
He nodded and I put his phone at the small table at the side of him kissing his head.
Me - ill bring you a warm drink in a little bit yeh?
He nodded and I left 
Me - minghao!!
Our allies had left minus the medic teams so it was just us again.
Minghao- I'm trying to work!
Me - tens ready for therapy. He wants to do it.
Kun- really!.
Jaemin- he's gonna do it with me ?
Seungkwan- not just with you jaemin.
Jaemin- I'm most important
Seungkwan- you can't even speak properly yourself jaemin. How do you expect to help anyone else ?
Jaemin- hey I can spweak properly. I just love chu so much.
Seungkwan - dont do that infront of me. Ever.
Jaemin cackled evily and minghao arose from his piles of work.
Quite a scene if I do say so.
Minghao- did you threaten him?
Me - what no?
Minghao- what did you offer him?
Me - nothing. I just promised him I'd take him somewhere and now he has his mind set on it.
Minghao- bribery I like it.
Me - it wasn't bribery.
I rolled my eyes and he looked through everything
Minghao - tell him we can start tomorrow.
Me-will do. He's just relaxing in the chairs. I'm gonna make him a drink.
Jaemin- don't make it too hot.
Me - I know. And don't fill the cup all the way. I know.
Jungwoo- it's the little things in life that make me smile.
Sungchan- your gross jungwoo.
Jungwoo- it's cute dude! Your just emotional-less
Jaemin- emotionless.
Jungwoo smacked him over the mouth and I laughed taking two drinks with me and I saw a little thing run past me.
I gasped
Me - what's that!?
Jaehyun- it's a kid ?
Me - a what?
Taeil- our kid ?
Me - your a woman?
Taeil- we adopted ! You signed the papers you nutcase.
Me - when.
Jaehyun- not even a week ago.
Me - errrrr keep it away from me.
I turned back around and walked towards my room. Our room? Tens room? The room...?

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