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I started to eat breakfast before a boy across from me started to talk
Boy- who the fucks this ? Is this one of your new fucks ?
Taeil- watch your mouth woojin.
Woojin- what it's a question?
Taeyong - no he's not. Now finish your food.
Woojin- so what's he doing here ?
Me - you could Just ask me directly you know ?
Woojin- okay. Why are you here ?
Me - I dont know. I just tagged along.
Woojin- did you just kick me ?
Me - I have no idea what your on about.
Woojin- you just kicked me !
I stood on my chair.
Me - does it look like my little legs can reach over there. I lifted my leg up.
Me - see. You have no chance.
Woojin - who else is going to have kicked me ??? Hmmm?
Taeyong - I kicked you. As a signal to shut up woojin.
He chilled out.
Taeyong - ten sit down now. All of you eat your breakfast or take it outside.
Woojin- I'd rather take it outside.
Me - don't be a crackhead. Honestly.
I tutted at him and he slammed his hands on the table
Woojin- tae ! How can you let him get away with that??
Taeil- omg woojin your making things worse for yourself. Just sit down!
Woojin- shut up taeil for once.
Jaehyun- oi don't speak to him like that. Just sit down!
Me - can I say it now?
Renjun- ten! Shut up!
I laughed to myself before woojin flipped his plate. It smashed against my arm leaving a few cuts and glass in my arm.
I glared at him Confused.
Me - what was that for ?
Woojin- I ain't staying here if he can run his mouth as much as he wants just cos taeyongs getting his dick wet.
He walked out and taeyong followed after him
Me - sorry.
Taeil- it's fine. He knows he should of listened to taeyong.
Kun- let me see your arm.
I lifted it back up again and he started picking the blood out
I smiled and he wrapped a bandage around my arm.
Me - thanks.
Chan- don't worry about it . Plus you didn't really say anything out of the ordinary. You only called him a crackhead. Which is quite ironic considering you-
Me - don't say any more.
He laughed and felix smacked him round the back of the head.
Felix - remember bros before hoes.
Chan- you calling me a hoe ?
Felix- and hes an actual bro so watch your mouth.
I stuck my tongue out at him and they all laughed
They introduced themselves casually and I had to go the extra mile. I stood on taeyongs chair and did a huge introduction of myself
Me- hello my loyal subjects I am chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul but you can all call me ten. I hope we see each other for a long time. You know what else is long ?
Taeil banged the table and I looked confused at him.
I turned around.
Me - ugh- taeyong.
Taeyong - I know I am. Now sit
I wanted to cry.
They all laughed st me and I banged my head on the table.
A different boy came and sat infront of me.
Boy- Heya I'm hyunjin.
Me - hi?
Hyunjin- anygays nice to meet you.
Me - nice to meet you too.
Taeyong - I want a few people to go with Ten so he can get his own things.
Felix - ill go. I need to buy my own shit anyways. I was fearlessly kidnapped by my little brother.
He pretended to faint and everyone shut him down.
Renjun- I want to go!
Hyunjin- I'll tag along as well.
Wooyoung - don't forget me !
Minghao- oh I want to come !
Me - count me out.
Taeil- you need to go.
Me - why? I'll just steal taes clothes.
Taeyong - yeah? Really ?
Me - yep.
Taeyong - like heck. Go buy your own shit.
Me - fine.
Everyone was ready to leave and I was still being chased around with a pair of pants.
Taeil- stop running and put the jeans on!!!
Me - never ! I dont want to wear them!

Taeyong pov

I've been trying to get on with things all day since breakfast.
Now all i hear is everyone shouting at Ten.
Renjun- ten stop being an idiot and put the pants on!
I heard footsteps
Taeil- ten I haven't run this long in a while. Just come here before I get jaehyun.
Ten- take that contraption away from me !
Taeil- it's a pair of jeans!
I slammed my door open and saw taeil still chasing him.
I walked down the stairs and waited for ten to run down the other side.
I grabbed him and lifted him over my shoulder.
Ten- put me down!! Get off me you big lemon!
Me - shut the fuck up.
Ten- your going to make me flash everyone !
I lifted the shirt up and he reached behind him
Me - what like this ?
Ten- your embarrassing me !
Me - but what it's fine to run around like a 5 year old because of a pair of jeans? Hmm?
Taeil appeared and he thanked me.
I flipped ten over and he squirmed.
It ended up with me pinning him to the floor and taeil grabbing his ankles.
He kicked around and I sat on his abdomen.
Ten- I could bite that ass.
I grabbed this thighs reaching for his calfs
Ten- no! Get off me !
Taeil slipped his feet into them and I pulled them up to his hips.
Ten- noooo! I'm going to cry.
Me - cry me a river.
Ten- I will.
I walked back up to my office and shut the door.
Hours passed and I got multiple notifications.
20p in xx shop
Is he trying to fuck with me or something?
The next thing I know I start getting shop names and prices I understand
130 in Victoria secret ? That's wooyoung.
I got calls from each one of them and they're like omg it was me that one. I made him buy them.
I dont care. As long as he doesn't wear my beautiful shirts anymore.
They came home and the living room was filled with bags.
Ten- never again!
He took the jeans off and laid on the sofa
Minghao- I hated every bit of that. Those kids. They're a different breed
Ten- yes they are.
Minghao- I've never met a boy so difficult to shop for like ten
Ten- I'm not you were All just trying to out me in pants !
Wooyoung - you can go places with no pants on!
Ten- I can if I want to? Watch me.
I sighed and mia had already finished with tea.
Mia-tea is ready sirs.
Ten- I don't want to move. Can I just have it here ?
Me - get up.
We all left to eat and ten laid there. I rolled him off the sofa and he groaned.
I pinched his leg and it left him running.
Me - yeah thought you'd move

*Completed*Sex On The Beach~ TaetenWhere stories live. Discover now