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Karina pov

Why isn't he answering ?
I rang him over and over again when I saw taeyong, minghao and kun run past me.
Me - what's going on?
I ran behind them and they had come out to the garden.
Why the running so fast.
I gasped for air and continued running after them.
Is it ten?

Taeyong pov

I had felt the alarm on my phone ring.
Nothing but the words fall flashing on my screen.
Me - minghao kun you need to come with me
Kun- what's happened ?
Me - tens fallen.
I had left and I rang ten. It rang out and it only caused me to run faster to the gardens. I saw karina trying to ring someone and she soon followed us.

I ran through the door to my mother's garden and I saw ten curled in on himself.
His chest was heaving up and down.
His cheeks were flooded with tear stains and I grabbed his hand falling down to my knees to get to his level.
Kun turned him onto his back taking his layers of clothing off.
Karina got to the gate covering her mouth.
Karina - what happened !
Me - he fell....
The same words came from him.
The words he's never said before
I don't want to die.
Almost like a chant he had grabbed my hand.
Me - your not going to die. Your fine. I promise. Your going to be fine

He continued to cry his body shaking uncontrollably and I struggled to still him. Another pair of hands held one arm hashing sweet nothings into his ear.
Karina- ten. Come on calm down. Taeyongs got you see.
Kun- I don't think he's going to make it.
Me - don't say that! He's going to make it. He's going to be fine.

Cold tears began to come out harder than before, contrasting to how the boy felt. He was boiling. As if he was being cooked alive. And he lay there shivering uncontrollably even as his body was unbearably warm.

His chants faded to quiet whispers as his chest calmed down to heavy short pants. Taeyong squeezed his hand as a sign he was still there.

Karina- what's happening ?
Minghao- we need to get him inside. Get him somewhere comfortable and where he likes to be. I feel tonight and if we make it to tomorrow is going to be vital for ten.

Taeyong picked him up holding onto him for dear life and straight to their room.
The curtains were open letting everyone see the garden.
Karina - I should have finished quicker.
Taeyong - I left a maid in charge of him. How stupid can I be ?
Minghao- this couldnt have been prevented you two no matter who was there. It just got worse because he fell as well.
Taeyong - he physically shouldn't have been getting up in the first place. I told the maid this.
Karina - let's not get angry until tens awake and okay. This is about him now. Not what happened.
Minghao- karina will you watch over him whilst I have words with taeyong about ten if he was to crash.
Karina - of course I can.
He smiled at her and they two men left

Taeyong pov

Minghao- are we saving ten or are we accepting its his time?
Me - how can you even ask me to make that decision?
Minghao- me and kun need to know before it happens incase it happens.
Me - try. Please.
Minghao - ofc we will then

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