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Taeil pov

It was time for taeil to go do his mission so I walked upstairs and to his room a d knocked.
No answer
I opened it and they were both snoring their heads off.
Me - taeyong. Sir.
Ten woke up instead and he looked at me. He still looked pretty shit. He was sniffling and his eyes were blood shot.
Me - can you help me wake him up.?
He nodded before turning over to him and whispering in his ear.
Ten- taeyong.
No response
Ten- oi dick face.
Taeyong - do you want a slap?
Ten- you have to wake up.
Taeyong - I dont.
He wrapped his arm around ten and I sighed
Me - taeyong. You've slept more than a full day
Taeyong - fine! I'm up.
He grumbled sole shit under his breathe and ten fell back asleep exhausted.
Taeyong showered and got dressed whilst I sorted the bed out a bit.
Ten was pale as fuck
Me - ill get kun and han to look over him once we leave.
Taeyong- okay. Let's just get it over and done with.
We had gone downstairs so taeyong could grab a quick bite before he ran upstairs again.
Me - where are you going ??
Taeyong - two minutes!

Taeyong pov

I opened my closet before grabbing a hoodie and putting it on my side near ten. I wrote a note on the paper I had in ny desk and put it on top.


Here's a hoodie in case you get cold but your welcome to take what you want from my closet. Not like you wouldnt anyways.
If you need anything call. You have my number. When your awake don't forget to eat and drink plenty. Kun and han will come and see you after your awake.


I smiled and ran down to taeil who as waiting with the others .
Me - sorry.
I left and I already wanted to just get this over with

Ten pov

I had woken up hitting my hand on the bedside table. I felt that it was soft.
- like my dick.
I sat up and I didnt hesitate to stare the hoodie and paper down.
I picked it up and read it.
I picked the hoodie up and put it over my head. Everywhere was sore still and my nose was blocked. I felt like my head was in the verge of exploding.
I got up with 'my' blanket and went downstairs to eat. Just like my baby daddy-
Just like taeyong told me to.
I made waffles and ate them whilst everyone started coming downstairs.
I sniffed the snot up my nose and I'm pretty sure it looked like I was snorting waffle.
Kun-are you feeling better ?
Me - not really. My head feels like it's about to explode.
He nodded before opening the medicine cabinet. He took a thermometer strip and putting it on my forehead.
Kun- let's just put a wet paper towel on you. You'll be fine.
I stared at him and he laughed.
Kun- I'm joking. When you've finished come to my medical room and ill do some more tests with han yeah
Me- okay ill see you there in a minute
He nodded and I enjoyed my delicious waffles

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