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Minghao pov

I walked into tens room and he looked alive.
Me - you alright ?
Ten- yeah. Can I have some more jabs ?
Me- I your head still hurting ?
Ten- yeah.
I nodded and left to grab them.
I repeated it the same as last time.
Me - joining us for lunch outside today?
Ten- ummm..... why not.
Me - really ?
He nodded
Ten- I'm getting changed first though so leave
I laughed and I waited outside.
I'm guessing he freshened up and got changed considering it took so long.
He walked out.
Ten- let's go.
He held onto my arm going outside and down the stairs. The rest was already outside eating when I opened the door for ten.
Everyone stopped and smiled.
Ten- why are they all staring??

Taeyong pov

He shrugged before minghao like stared into my soul. He let go of ten and I stood up walking over to Ten.
He froze and quickly wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him back and I felt him sniffle onto my chest 
Me - don't get snot on me
He hit my chest and laughed.
He grabbed my hand and he sat next to me.
We got given the plates and it ended up with jacob and Kevin arguing.
Jacob- go back home and mess with the kids.
Kevin- omg! Do you understand how wrong that sounds.
He pushed him off the end of the table
Jacob- it was mean to sound wrong! Little kiddy toucher.
Kevin- I'm going to kill you.
I looked at Ten and his hands were shaking.
Me - are you okay?
He nodded a yes and he picked his knife and fork up.
I also talking to taeil when I heard the clattering of metal.
Ten held his finger that was bleeding lightly.
Me - you shoukd of asked for help.
I wrapped a tissue around it while minghao looked for the medical box.
He found it passing me a plaster  before Ten started laughing
Me - whats so funny.
Ten- ten with no finger nine.
There was a few laughs around the table and I just smiled shaking my head.
Me - thats really bad.
Ten- I know. Like your hair.
We were all just talking in the garden and I had laid a blanket out. We took pictures of each other

I smiled saving it and I sat cross legged on the blanket
Ten crawled over not long after laying his head inbetween my legs.
Me - you tired baby?
He nodded looking up at me playing with the strings on my hoodie.
Me - can I kiss you?
Ten smiled and nodded
I leant closer to him and he lifted his head up slightly.

Taeil pov

We were all doing our own thing as I signalled renjun to look
He smiled.
Taeyong and ten had kissed gently before Ten laid his head back down.
Taeyong stroked tens hair and covered him with another blanket.
It had started to become Alot colder and we started heading back inside.
Me - are you coming back inside taeyong?
Taeyong- yeah just give me a few minutes.
I walked inside holding onto jaehyuns jacket.

Taeyong had moved around and picked ten up.
He walked past us all and I smiled.
Jaehyun- see they're so cute why domt you do that with me ?
Me - you expect me to lift you?
Jaehyun- you calling me fat ?
Me -no im calling myself weak
We all froze as taeyong almost slipped.
He looked back at us.
Taeyong- were good.
Minghao- everyone go do what you need to. I need to talk to you as well taeyong.
He nodded before swatting his hand as a sign to shut up.

Taeyong pov

I laid him down and I was about to walk away.
Ten- stay with me for a bit.
I laid next to him and his arm snaked around my waist and mine went over his shoulder stroking the hair on the back of his neck 
He laughed a little.
Ten- that tickles tae.
Me - does it?
Ten- can I say something
Me - of course you can.
Ten- I love you tae
I froze. He loved me ?
Me - I... I love you too ten
He nodded smiling and his soft breathes turned to light snores.
Me - goodnight my darling.
I moved his hair and came away from the bed.
The medic team was sat at the table . Some were crying and some were shocked.
Me - what's going on?
Han- the gene test revealed everything.
Seungkwan- I feel like I shouldn't have come down from la.
Kevin- how didn't his mom know about this ? It's crazy.
Me - what's going on?
Jungwoo- ten has huntingtons disease.
It felt as if everything had stopped and and words were caught in my throat.
Me - as in....
Kun- he's going to die taeyong...
Me - how long until he does ? On average?
Minghao- I believe that it started to develop before his 20s.
He's only 22 now so I'm suspecting. At a push.. 10 years. And that's without him getting any of these health problems that can kill him potentially. The flu, pneumonia other infections. Injuries relating to falls. And complications when he finally loses some or all ability to swallow.
Me - when are you going to tell him?
Minghao- I would prefer to tell him as soon as possible to start therapeutical measures to try and increase his independence.
Kun- wait what did you find from the physical exam?
Kevin- alot of negative things.
Minghao -  we concluded from how it's already progressed. If he even wanted to get the help, he would need forms of
Physical therapy
Neurologist reviews
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy.
I've noticed a concerning difference in his speech already.
Jacob- I also managed to pick up on the tremors and the way his eyes twitching alot.
Kevin- I just made him laugh.
They all laughed
Me - im going to go. I have a cade to deal with.
They nodded and I walked to my bedroom. I quietly opened the door slightly but shut it again.
I walked to my office grabbing some files and taking my keys.
Hongjoong- where are you taking them ?
Me - im going out. Jaehyun!
He looked at me. Taeil was sat on his lap who also stared at me.
Me - let's go.
He sighed putting his shoes on.
I got into the car and waited for jaehyun

Jaehyun pov

What the fuck is he doing now ?
Taeil- keep me updated okay?
I nodded kissing his lips before leaving

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