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Nobody hurts me anymore
I miss it
Not like a physical pain to me
I mean as in nobody plays around with me anymore.
I know 26 and I still want to play around with people?
The ring on my finger had so much love and meaning, But when I looked at it I felt nothing but pain, hurt and guilt.
We didn't want a big wedding. I wouldnt have been able to go through with one anyways. We signed the papers with the boys as our witnesses.
I was ecstatic don't get me wrong. But that night when I had gone to bed. I cried. I cried for taeyong. I'm going to hurt him so much. I'll go to wooyoung tomorrow. Yes. That's what i will do. Maybe go to the garden. The maids love taking me there. Just to see me smile every once in a while.

I sat in wooyoungs office.
I didn't want to say anything.
He respected that, until the point my head started to hurt.
Me- I'm s....sorry

He tilted his head at me
Wooyoung - you don't have to be sorry for anything. Your happiness is what's Important to me.
Me - I... leave
Wooyoung - I'll get karina to come with you yeah?
I nodded and let a lone tear slip down my cheek.
Karina helped jaemin out alot and she wrote the things I said clearly for others.
Karina - where should we go today? The gardens?
Me - bedroom. ..please
She nodded
Karina - do you want to do anything ?
Me - letter.
Karina - who to ?
Me - all.
Karina - everybody. Okay.

We sat for hours on end.
Karina - do you want a drink or a snack?
Me - let's go together ?
She smiled bringing me out the room and down the lift.
We walked into the kitchen seeing renjun and taehyun.
Taehyun- good afternoon. Karina. Ten.
Me - morn...
I bit my lip
Karina - morning taehyun. Right ten?
Me - yes
I smiled and karina passed me a glass of juice.
Me - thankyou.
We chilled in the kitchen and karina greeted everyone who came inside.
Karina - taeyong.
She winked at me before leaving.
Karina - shout me if I'm needed.
Taeyong- baby.
He leant down and kissed my head.
Me - love ...you.
Taeyong - I love you too. Is it a bad day today ?
Me- yes. Legs didn't want work...
Taeyong- well I hope you feel okay tomorrow because I was thinking we could go to the garden
Me - I like that.
He nodded taking me back upstairs and  laid me down.
He laid next to me.
Taeyong - have a little rest.
I didn't argue. I was tired. I laid my hand on the side of his face and closed my eyes copying him.

I love you taeyong

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