2. Deal

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" You're mad i saved your life?" Satan, amused, raised a brow.

"Yes!" Hoseok grumbled and squeezed his eyes shut, letting himself fall back onto the couch. Defeated, deflated, defective, and so on. This wasn't fair. Life gets to kick him in the ass and now so does death. He just can't catch a break. "I just wanted to die, is that too much to ask?" He said just above a whisper.

"Why's that?"

"I Don't wanna talk about it," Hoseok mumbled, keeping his eyes shut. "If I do, I'll just get angry at you again."

"Oh, no," Satan sarcastically said and waved his jazz hands, "We don't want that." In fact, Satan loved to watch humans lose their shit. One of his favorite forms of entertainment.

"I hate you."

Satan rolled his eyes, "Join the club. Anyway, now that you've thanked me for saving your life, let's talk business."

Hoseok remained unmoved. "Mind your own. I don't wanna make a deal anymore. You had your chance."

"As did you, you had your chance to die." Satan replied smugly. "Of course, I fucked that up for you but it was a chance nonetheless. So suck it up," Satan's voice lowered and his eyes went all black, not that Hoseok could see it since his eyes were still defiantly shut in annoyance. "Let's get to it, shall we?"

Hoseok pondered the pros and cons. If he was going to remain alive, at least whatever happens after this would be mildly entertaining. It didn't take much swaying on Satan's end as someone as hopeless as Hoseok would really give in to anything if you asked him twice. "Fine."

"You said, and I quote," Satan cleared his throat, "'l-let's make a deal. You get to take my soul, or whatever it is you want, to damn me eternally or whatever. In exchange, I get...I dunno, a friend, I guess.'" Satan's devilish grin widened at Hoseok's annoyed gaze. He couldn't believe a human had lasted so long annoyed at him. By now that wears off and they return to cowering in fear. Even worshippers of Satan feared him, it's why they respected him in the first place. Though they didn't crumble beneath him, they were happy to follow his every order. Some even talked to him like a friendly colleague. Despite that, there was always fear in them. With this human in particular, he saw less and less fear the longer he stuck around. No matter, this human just hasn't seen what he can do. When he does, he'll be begging to be left alone. "I get your soul and you get a friend...I guess." He added the last bit just to mock him, loving that it worked as Hoseok finally opened his eyes and stared back at Satan with a scowl. "Is that correct?"

Hoseok was never this bold, to huff in annoyance in someone's face. Especially not the devil himself's face. He was so angry that his life was saved, he couldn't help it in the moment. But soon, that'll fade just fine.

"Yes, that's what I said." He affirmed quietly, the anger beginning to fade. It was starting to settle in just who he was dealing with. Now that he wasn't dead, Hoseok had to deal with the consequences of his actions. These actions. He'd yelled at Satan. Satan! The anger had finally faded for now and all that was left was Hoseok. Regular, normal Hoseok. Meaning his shy, pushover self was back and here to make a deal with Satan. It's a good thing he wants to because if he didn't, he'd agree to it anyway simply because the anger is gone and the mere thought of standing up for himself whether it's with Satan or any regular human was horrific.

He couldn't believe he'd admitted to Satan he was so lonely and uncool. He guessed Satan had seen the most depraved, disgusting, horrendous people but since this would be his new business partner, Hoseok couldn't help wanting to seem cool. He wants to get in Satan's good books if he's making a deal with him. This is a dangerous trade.

"Very well then, shall we?" Satan smirked and studied Hoseok's uneasy face. The fear had crawled back all over it beautifully. Not that Hoseok needed help with that. Satan found this human very attractive. He might just have a couple uses for this one. "Let's get specific."

"Okay," Hoseok answered with a shaky voice. "I want a companion. Friend, lover, whatever-"

"Whatever?" Satan was intrigued by this, already imagining what he could do with this loophole. "Are you saying I could make that choice for you? You have no preference for what relationship the have with you as long as it's positive and very close?"

Hoseok shrugged, "Yeah, I guess so." He hugged his shoulders and bit his lip, biting at the skin. "I'd prefer a lover but honestly, anything will do." He was so lonely, even a super friendly mail person would do. "Though I'm guessing you'll want to torture me so you won't give me the satisfaction of a lover." Hoseok was fine with whatever person he was given, as long as he wasn't lonely anymore. A couple of great dogs, a nice old lady for a neighbor, anything.

Satan chuckled, "Any other specifics in mind?"

"Hmm, the being has to stay with me," Hoseok hesitated. Should he really say this? But the thought of being lonely forever made him scared and sad. It was his only choice. He pulled the trigger. "For my whole life."

"Sure thing," Satan snapped his fingers and a piece of paper appeared in the air, gently floating down onto Hoseok's coffee table. "You can read it over if you want." It was a contract. Hoseok leaned down and read it carefully, all the terms they agreed on were on it. As well as rules and other things but Hoseok couldn't be bothered to spare them another glance. Satan snapped his fingers again and a quill appeared in his hand. "Sign here and you'll never be alone again."

This ones a lil short my bad



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