17. Virgin

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Yoongi could feel his stomach swirl with excitement just thinking of the hijinks he'd pull off with these things he'd bought Hoseok.

"Hoseok," Yoongi called from his spot on the bed where he sat casually, looking handsome as ever and it making Hoseok nervous.

"Yeah?" Hoseok turned towards Yoongi, standing in the doorway of the closet. His pants and hoodie very loose as they were Yoongi's, had the other's head in a tizzy. He thought he'd gotten over how nice and satisfying it is to see Hoseok in his clothes but, he guesses not. Hoseok's shy but excited smile making Yoongi feel all soft, something he's decided he needs to be more comfortable with.

"Why are you putting the clothes away?" Yoongi asked, ignoring the way Hoseok's body was calling him, inviting him to ruin it. A canvas ready for an artist to smother in pretty purple and red marks. He cleared his throat. "You don't need to worry about that."

Hoseok walked over to Yoongi and reached out to play with his big hands. "I know but I like doing things myself. I don't want you snapping your fingers to have everything done for me constantly. I can be independent." Hoseok was concerned Yoongi might begin to think of him like a leech, simply expecting to be waited on and attended to constantly. It was hard to be independent, because it was simply living life the way he had before Yoongi, except he had to dial down his longing for his demon boyfriend in an attempt to hide how desperate he was to stay by his side. Hoseok didn't care why he wanted to be around, be with, Yoongi so much, he only cared that it happens. The only way to keep it happening forever is to make sure Yoongi wants it, too. There he goes, overthinking again.

Yoongi pullled Hoseok onto him, hiding a laugh at Hoseoks Yelp as he fell on top of him. "I know, but I want you here now. You can do it tomorrow." Hoseok was fine with that and focused on the position they were in instead. He was on top of Yoongi! Granted, only half of him was on him and the other half on the bed but still! It was a big deal to Hoseok, and to Yoongi as well.

Yoongi could feel Hoseok's heart beating rapidly against him. "Why are you so nervous, dollface?" He knew exactly why, and he wanted to torture Hoseok for it. What can he say? He's a sadistic motherfucker.
Hoseok shook his head, his fists covered in the sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing. "Oh, come on. I know you've got an answer." His sultry voice tempted anyone who heard it, really. It's not surprise Hoseok crumbled so easily.


"What was that?" Yoongi teased, "Speak up, Hoseok."

"We're really close." Hoseok managed to mumble out.

Yoongi was very amused. "Great observation, Hoseok. You want a cookie or something?" Hoseok looked up and pouted at him. "I'm kidding." He placed a quick peck on Hoseok's pouty lips, quickly surprising Hoseok and himself. That would be their second kiss. Well, after the first time they admitted their feelings to each other. It was so casual and natural, Yoongi couldn't help himself. "Sorry," Yoongi apologized, scared he crossed a boundary. "I should've asked. I won't do it again if you don't-"

"Do it again." Hoseok interrupted with a whisper, too scared to look Yoongi in the eyes.

"What?" Yoongi heard it loud and clear. He simply wanted to know if he was serious.

"Do it again, kiss me, please." That polite plead at the end that Hoseok threw in had Yoongi boiling with desire. So many desires, a few dirtier than others but right now, he just wanted to give Hoseok what they both wanted.

Yoongi leaned up and kissed Hoseok gently, moving his lips slow and light against Hoseok's soft ones. The taste of mangoes lingering on his lips from breakfast making the kiss that much sweeter. Hoseok moved his lips hesitantly, as if he were scared. This worried Yoongi.

He pulled away, ignoring the way Hoseoks quietly panting face made him feel. "You're not sure of this." His big fear began to come true ; Hoseok feeling unsure and regretful of his choice to follow Yoongi home.

"What?" Hoseok panicked, denying it with all honesty. He was definitely sure of this, all of it, despite being unsure of what it will bring. "No, I want this. I swear."

"Then why does it feel like you're afraid?" Yoongi was upset, but not at Hoseok. He gets it, though it still makes him angry. He sighed, trying to calm down.

Hoseok looked away, shame on his face. Yoongi felt he'd heard everything he needed to come to his own conclusion ; he made Hoseok feel pressured, afraid, trapped. As he expected.

"Okay, if you don't wanna be-"

"I Don't know how to kiss." He blurted out, interrupting Yoongi again. His eyes scrunched shut and his fists clenched, Yoongi couldn't help but smile at the cute sight. Hoseok opened his eyes to be met with Yoongi watching him with a slight mocking tone. "I-I've never really kissed anyone, not like I kiss you." Yoongi felt a swell of pride. Yes, he was the only one to kiss Hoseok with such emotion, such precision and knowledge of how a kiss normally goes. "I've had little kisses, you know? A little peck on the lips from the two dates I've been on but, other than that I've never kissed anyone." His shameful gaze stuck on the sheets, "I'm scared."

Yoongi knew he shouldn't feel good about being the only person to kiss Hoseok with conviction, a kiss more than still lips together for a second. He couldn't help it, he was a sinner, and as a sinner, he felt pride. Yoongi's smirk reappeared now that his fears had been calmed. "Hoseok, It's fine. I like a little virgin, I can work with that."

"W-what?!" Hoseok yelled with a blush on his disgruntled face. "What makes you think I'm a virgin?"

Yoongi could tell, and with his context clues he just knew. "Are you not a virgin?" Hoseok remained quiet, an answer already. "Thought so. You just said you've never kissed anybody besides two little pecks and you expect me to think you've done more than that?"

"Okay, fine, I'm a virgin." Hoseok huffed, "But Don't get any ideas."

"Like what?" Yoongi pulled Hoseok close, shocking him a bit and held him by the waist. "Teaching you about sex, fucking you until you're screaming and crying my name, training you to be a good little cock slut for me?" Hoseok was shocked by the dirty words he was bombarded with and stared widely at Yoongi without a single word to say. Yoongi laughed, "wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." He sarcastically added before returning to the topic at hand. "Look, Hobi, i Don't care how expirienced you are in anything. We will work and evolve together, that means being patient. You can be nervous all you want but I won't judge you for any lack of experience. It just gives me an excuse to kiss you more."

Hoseok took a deep breath and nodded before leaning in and kissing Yoongi's lips. It was only a few seconds and the movement was minimal but Hoseok went for it and Yoongi couldn't be happier. He returned the action and moved his lips against Hoseok lightly. Hoseok pulled away shyly, "How was that?"

Yoongi nodded, "fantastic, Hoseok." The praise  made Hoseok smile, embarrassed and happy, he walked away to continue putting away his clothes. In the back of his mind lingered the dirty words Yoongi had used to mess with him. Talk of training him and fucking him so hard he cried, it sent a shiver down Hoseok's spine.


Im writing a smut chapter finally for this so be grateful


Okie dokie byebye

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