53. Trip

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Hoseok decided he'd look into that another time. "I don't know. We've got all night to make one, though."

It was the next morning and Yoongi was a little jealous, to say the least.

Hoseok had spent the night in his own room, where he and Donghun giggled the night away. Yoongi had paced around the room, unable to work or do anything productive while he stewed about in anger. Sleep got to him eventually and he gladly gave in, preferring that to being awake and alone for the rest of the night. He huffed as he pondered what could possibly be so funny.

Hoseok on the other hand had a great sleep despite not knocking out until three am. At which point Donghun had tapped out and walked back to his own room. They'd spent the night scheming together on what Hoseok would do. It turns out that their plan boiled down to one very simple step ; ask for help.

Yup. They'd really spent the night goofing off. After an hour of going over things and what ifs, there was nothing else to do but have a fun time. That, they did.

Hoseok woke up with a smile, thankful to have almost had a sleepover with a friend! Plus, today was a big day. He decided to get ready and look his best for the angels that awaited him. Soft makeup and a purple sweater vest made him look kind and approachable, the perfect recipe for this plan.

He went over it in his head a few times. The mantra went as so ; say hello and simply ask where he could find Choi Gunil. It was bold but he and Donghun figured since his intentions for locating him were pure, they'd be inclined to help him. Besides, who could say no to that face?

Still, meeting new people was nerve wracking, especially since these weren't ordinary people. These were angels, aka ; what Hoseok could've become. This also meant he'd be around deceased humans who'd become angels. What if they don't like him and they don't help? Predestined Angels are kind, but the previously human ones? Uncertain.

He took a deep breath before opening the door for a person that knocked lightly. "Hello?" Yoongi faced him, handsome and tired looking. "Oh, my love!" Hoseok's hands immediately flew up to lightly hold Yoongi's face. Examining his face, he frowned. "Did you have trouble sleeping?" Yoongi only nodded and walked into the room, closing the door behind himself. Closely behind, a doting Hoseok frowned in concern. "Are you doing okay? Yoongi, we Can reschedule this or something, I'm sure-"

"It's heaven, Hoseok. We can't just reschedule that." Yoongi snipped. It made Hoseok jump and immediately the guilt followed. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "Just tired."

Hoseok looked at his phone for the time. "We still have a few hours. Why don't we take a nap?"

Yoongi gave a small smile at Hoseok, whom gazed down at Yoongi with sincerity and care. Yoongi pulled him close by the waist from his spot on the edge of the bed. Oh, he was so horny right now. Alas, it wasn't the time. He controlled himself and opted for a curt reply instead. "I'd love that, baby." So the pair crawled into Hoseok's bed and laid down in each others arms for a Power Nap. Yoongi finally got to sleep in bed with Hoseok, so he slept happy.

"All set?" Yoongi asked Hoseok as they waited for Jungkook to open the portal. It was finally time for the big visit and boy were they antsy.

Hoseok nodded, holding the strap of his satchel. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Yoongi was suspicious but gave Hoseok the benefit of the doubt. How could his precious boyfriend lie to him? No, Hoseok would never. He shook the feeling off and straightened up. "You'll be fine. Who wouldn't like you?" He stoically said, the plain face making it seem sarcastic.

"Is something wrong?" Hoseok quietly asked.

Oh, boy. Maybe Yoongi should practice expressions in the mirror. "Hobi, you know that's just my face, sweetheart." He gave a comically forced smile that turned into a real one quickly once he heard Hoseok laugh. Yoongi pulled him close and hugged him from behind, resting his head atop Hoseok's. "Have fun, but not too much that you wanna leave me." He mumbled.

Hoseok turned in his hold, "I would never leave you, my love." He pecked Yoongi's round nose and smiled shyly at his boyfriend. He forgot there were guards and servants in the room with them. Awkward.

A whirring sound caught their attention. Before the pair, a portal was formed, spinning until it widened to roughly eight feet. On the other side stood Jungkook infront of a very white room. "Hi!" He cheerily greeted. Yoongi, along with everyone else in the room, groaned in distaste for the man. "Well that's not very nice." More grumbles followed but he didn't let it bother him. "You must be Hoseok!"

Yoongi scoffed, "You already know who he is. Don't act brand new."

Jungkook chuckled, "Yeah, but he doesn't know me. I thought I'd let us start on the same page."

"I hate you!" Someone jeered from the corner of the room, which earned a muffled laugh from Yoongi. Jungkook only gave a 'tut-tut-tut'.

Hoseok was in awe. This Jungkook guy was very handsome and buff. He was spoken for but Jungkook was intimidating. Not to mention ; he's God! Speechless, he only waved with blushing cheeks.

Yoongi took notice and jealously spun him around to give him a deep kiss. Hoseok breathlessly kissed back, taken aback by the PDA but happily reciprocating until Yoongi broke it to breath. "Don't forget me."

Hoseok blinked, dazed and flustered. "Yeah, yeah I won't." He kissed his cheek once he came back down to their world from having his head in the clouds a second ago. "Love you."

Yoongi smacked his butt. "Love you, too." He mumbled, embarrassed to say it infront of so many people.

Jungkook cooed, "Aww, you're both so cute."

Yoongi scowled at him. "If anything happens to him, I'll burn the place to the ground."

"Geez!" Jungkook said with his hands up. "Dramatic much? Anyway, come on, Hoseok. There's so much for you to see!"

Long time no see huh

Sorry! I'll be honest ; I been losing interest in writing ngl. It's no one's fault but my own. I'm gonna be updating when I can and have the energy. I really love my AUs and recently got the spark the slightest bit back but not quite. I'll do my best bc I don't wanna leave books unfinished but I might focus more on one shots or short books after I'm done with my current ones. Sorry to disappoint :(


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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