19. Bath

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He pulled Hoseok in for a passionate kiss, swallowing every cry he made into his mouth. "The most beautiful, Hobi." They lazily made out until Hoseok passed out in Yoongi's arms.

Hoseok awoke to find his head and upper body resting in Yoongi's lap while he carded his hand through Hoseok's hair. He shifted his legs a bit in his half asleep state and cringed at the messy feeling in his underwear, quickly reminding him of what had just happened before he ended up in the position he was currently in. His eyes widened and he bit his lip, tensing as he hoped Yoongi hadn't noticed he'd woken up. Hoseok was very bad at pretending to be asleep. "You don't have to pretend to be asleep, Hoseok." Yoongi's deep voice smoothed over Hoseok from above. "We can talk about it."

Hoseok went to curl into a ball and remain on Yoongi's lap but he was made aware of that dirty feeling in his underwear once again and sat up instead, avoiding movement that would remind him of such a thing. Shamefully he sat up with his legs bent at his side, averting his gaze from Yoongi in embarrassment.

Yoongi smirked, tsking and expelling a breath of air in amusement. Hoseok was so shy about everything that had just happened, he found it adorable. "You're so shy, I love it."

Yoongi's praise made Hoseok perk up a bit. He liked it? He guesses that's a good thing, but he's still feeling humiliated by the situation at hand. It could be that Yoongi's lying to make him feel better, a thought that's troubled Hoseok his whole life. He's been a self saboteur his entire existence , hopefully that'll change now that he's got enternity to work on it.

Yoongi's long fingers reached out and tilted Hoseok's head up to look at him, leaning in and holding him by the jaw lightly. It sent Hoseok's heart into a frenzy, so domineering and powerful. He understood why people feared Yoongi, it was more than just his powers that could end you in a split second. Everything about him was intimidating down to the smallest detail or action. Being stared down by him while he smirked was exhilarating, - on top of also very frightening. "Why are you so shy now, my dear?" Hoseok gulped at the name, the use of 'my'. My dear. Hoseok was his. He liked that. He liked that a lot. "Don't tell me you didn't like it, I can always spot a lie." Hoseok gulped, mouth open but no words falling out. It made Yoongi nervous. Did he cross a line? Did he pressure Hoseok into this? "Unless...you didn't...in which case-"

"I-I liked it." Hoseok blurted out. It was one thing to feel bad but another to make Yoongi feel bad. Hoseok was being honest, he did like it a whole lot. His face turned redder but the second now that he'd let that out.

Yoongi smirked, "Of course, you did." What was that supposed to mean? Hoseok filtered through all the bad things that could possibly mean, too nervous to focus on Yoongi. "You little pervert." Hoseoks eyes went glossy, covering in tears that began to prick at his eyes again. Yoongi began to panic, he didn't mean to upset Hoseok again. Drat, going with the flow can be a bit hard. Still, he would do anything for Hoseok, including adapting on the spot. "You're such a dirty boy, you know that?" He dragged his lips down along Hoseok's jaw until he reached his ear. "Deep down inside, you're a slut. I know you are. You act so innocent but inside of everyone is a whore waiting to be unleashed. For some it doesn't take anything, and for others it takes a lot of work. For you? Well, it doesn't matter what it'll take to unleash that side of you, because you're in my very capable hands." Yoongi gave his ear a light kiss before staring him down once again, only millimeters away from his lips. "And I'm gonna eat you up." Hoseok was stunned, staring back with his dick beginning to get riled up all over again. Yet Yoongi cut it all way too short. "Come on," he said, standing up and hauling Hoseok over his shoulder without warning. "It's bath time, baby." Hoseok was too stunned and embarrassed to protest. Yoongi was really good at keeping him quiet.

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