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"The prettiest little bitch for me. Master loves his Hobi." Hoseok keened and snuggled up into Yoongi's neck, happy to have done well for him.

In his haze, Hoseok struggled to remember why he did this at all. He just loved the experience so much he forgot why it was initiated. He tried to dig through it and get the words out, even if he didn't know what they were for.

"'Gi?" He mumbled out a half hour or so of cuddling and aftercare.

"Shh, angel." Angel. Why did that matter again? "I'm right here."

"Yeah, 'Gi?" He slurred. "Wanna ask, Hobi wants s'thing."

Yoongi ran his fingers through Hoseok's dark hair. "Anything, Hoseok."

What did he want, again? Hoseok stared at Yoongi, studying his face and getting lost in it. It was like a rose filter blurred everything else besides Yoongi's handsome face. He reached out and touched the tip of Yoongi's nose. "Cute."

Yoongi chuckled, "Puppy's a little lost right now, isn't he?"

"No," Hoseok shook his head, "I'm with you."

Yoongi smiled and kissed his cheek. "That's right. You belong here." Here......here is....where is 'here'? Yoongi pulled him up so his chest was against Hoseok's back and kissed his neck. "It's okay, my pretty little angel, I'm right here."

Hoseok turned in his hold. "Where is 'here'?"

Yoongi smiled. "Figuratively ; here by my side. Literally ; Hell." He knew he had to be blatant and simple with his words right now. He didn't want to overwhelm Hoseok.

Hell......Hell! But there was something else.....a different place.

"Where's heaven?" Hoseok quietly asked, blinking slow. He kept looking at Yoongi and waited for an answer.

Yoongi was entertained by Hoseok's absentminded talking and questioning, he found it cute how curious he remained. "Upstairs."

"Can you take me?" Hoseok asked, eyes wide. Was this what he needed to remember? "Can I go there?" Yoongi was stunned for a bit. He was thinking Hoseok wanted to leave Hell, leave him. Thankfully those thoughts were quickly dismissed. "Wanna visit. Look around." He tiredly smacked his lips together. "Then I'd come back home, nap w'you." He snuggled against Yoongi's chest. "You're always warm. Keep me warm all the time." Yoongi smiled with teeth, scrunching his face from how cute he found Hoseok.

"You wanna visit heaven?"


"Sure, I'll take you. I'll have to talk to Jungkook but I'm sure I can try and let you go. Since there's no important purpose for it, it might be hard. I'll figure something out for you, Hoseok."

"Yay," Hoseok tiredly exclaimed and laid a soft kiss to Yoongi's jaw. "Field trip." Yoongi laughed quietly as Hoseok fell asleep.

The next morning, Hoseok woke up sore and naked, holding the blanket up to his neck to cover himself. "Where are my clothes?"

Yoongi turned to face him, setting his phone on the side table. "The lingerie?" He smirked, "It was dirty so I took it off of you last night. You were so out of it, I bet you don't remember."

Hoseok remembered why he did it all. "Hey, Yoongi? I wanted to ask for a favor."

"Yeah, angel?"

Hoseok looked away, feeling a bit guilty about scheming against Yoongi. "I was wondering if there was a way you could get me into heaven to explore? I'm just curious, that's all. I promise I'd come back."

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