27. Dreams [M]

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"I-," he swallowed, "I love you, I think."

Hoseok blinked at him with wide eyes, unable to speak.

Yoongi had never felt self conscious and nervous about what someone else thought of him until right now. He didn't know it'd be so nerve racking to confess something like this. There was no way for him to hold that in anymore, especially not when Hoseok was here doubting his own worth to Yoongi. Saying something to someone and them taking a pause of at least four seconds is registered in the brain as rejection. Boy, was Hoseok incredibly upset with himself for being so anxious and taking so God damn long to reply. It's always taken him a second to come up with what to say, now felt longer than ever. Even then, what he would come up with wasn't that good a fair amount of the time.


Yoongi scoffed, "Nevermind, it was stupid." He looked down at his feet and wiggled his fingers inside his pockets. "Anyway, I'm trying to say that I'm sorry for how I reacted. I should try to be more understanding. I just never had to be understanding before, this is all new. I'm not a good being, Hoseok but you make me wanna be." Hoseok smiled, tears welling up in his eyes. "Oh, fuck. Did I say something wrong again?"

Hoseok shook his head, a wet laugh leaving his heart lips. "No, You're just really sweet." He wrapped his arms around Yoongi and held him tight, smiling when Yoongi pulled him to be on top of him. It made Hoseok blush like crazy. "I forgive you."

Yoongi sighed, "Oh, thank God."

"I thought we couldn't say his name?"

"I Can," Yoongi shrugged, "I do what I want."
Hoseok laughed, the gritty tone made Yoongi go wild internally but he figured now wasn't the time. Hoseok looked down at Yoongi shyly. "What?" Yoongi is always a bit blunt, but Hoseok's gotten used to it already. "Stop staring at me, punk."

Hoseok shook his head, "I think I love you, too."

"Oh," Yoongi was rendered speechless, one of many times it'd happen in the foreseeable future. "Okay."

Hoseok bit his lip to stiffle a laugh. "I Don't know, I've never been in love. But I have loved before. I love fruit, and my family, and animals, and soft blankets, but I've never been in love. You're not like those things, I love you more. I didn't know that was possible, so maybe that's why I'm not sure. But I think I love you, I think I'll figure it out eventually."

Yoongi blinked at him and shrugged, "Good enough for me." Hoseok laughed again. Yoongi's odd reactions have become near and dear to his heart. Satan was supposed to be the root of all evil, and technically he was. But Satan wasn't evil, not in Hoseok's eyes.

Yoongi grabbed the back of Hoseok's neck and pulled him down for a kiss, a bit sour from morning breath but neither of them cared. He felt so at home with Yoongi despite not feeling at home in hell. It was almost desperate from the lack of contact within the last two days. Neither of them wanted to break apart for air but eventually Yoongi gave in. It was soft but eager, their lips swelling after a few minutes despite already having swollen from sleep.

"Wanna come with me to the throne room today?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok felt he'd spent enough time away from Yoongi for a while. Now he wanted nothing more than to be attached at the hip to him. He nodded and cuddled into Yoongi's neck. They ended up falling back asleep for a bit, though Yoongi only slept for one more hour, Hoseok slept for another. To say it was entertaining to watch? Yoongi would call that the biggest understatement he'd ever heard.

Hoseok stirred in his sleep, talking a bit breathy. "No," he mumbled barely audible. It worried Yoongi. He'd already been watching him sleep since he woke up but now he did so more intensely. Was Hoseok having a nightmare? Demons are in charge of creating nightmares and sending them out into the world, that included the under world. In the underworld it was random, simply sending it out. But Hoseok didn't look scared. "Hmm," he hummed against Yoongi's shoulder. He squirmed around and furrowed his brows. "Yes...ye'." Yoongi raised a brow when Hoseok's jaw dropped and raised slightly and his waist down began to twitch. "'Oo'gi...yeah, yeah, yeah." Yoongi bit his lip to hold in his laughter. Hoseok whined and whimpered, quickly wiping the smile off Yoongi's face. His body beginning to move back and fourth just a bit, a lazy, effortless motion as he wasn't doing it consciously. He whined again and now Yoongi was biting his lip for other reasons, his eyes blown black as he stared.

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