52. Insecurity

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"I only wanna be with you, Yoongi. I will want to be wherever you are, and that's in hell. I promise, I will always choose you."

Yoongi was stunned to say the least.

Thanks to Hoseok's sweet confession, Yoongi begrudgingly took back his taking back of his promise to take Hoseok to heaven. A meeting had been scheduled with Jungkook for today. Yoongi already knew the answer would be yes, he just wanted to get things over with.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was dealing with an angry Jin, who had stormed into Hoseok's almost finished project room. Now that it was close to done, he didn't need any more help besides Donghun's. The pair were surprised when Seokjin marched into the space with his hands behind his back, posture pointed forward as he stomped. "I can't believe this!"

Hoseok jumped in his seat. "Can't believe what?" He asked with concern on his face and in his voice. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, yeah," Seokjin huffed, "Somethings definitely wrong." He exclaimed and threw himself onto a small black and white couch with a back like a seashell. "I like this couch by the way." He threw in which earned a giggle from the pair.

"What is it?" Donghun inquired, happy to hear some gossip to entertain himself with.

Seokjin pulled out a flask from who knows where, and took a swig. "Jimin told me that Taehyung told him that Namjoon was flirting with Hyunwoo. Can you believe that?!"

Donghun cocked his head, "Are you two together?"

Seokjin groaned. "No."

"So what's the problem?" Hoseok naively asked, shrinking in on himself when Seokjin sighed loudly and with force. Donghun only shook his head in disappointment. He can only teach and warn Hoseok so much. It's not his fault he's so naive. Experience is the only thing that can mold that into anything more refined and Donghun was way too lazy to contribute to that, anyway.

Seokjin took another sip from his flask to calm himself down. "Oh, Hoseok. You're a cutie but sometimes you really make my ass itch in anger." It was like looking at a kicked puppy when he said that. So of course his best friend stepped in to comfort him.

"He just has a....weird....temper, Hoseok." Donghun gave him a soft Pat and turned back to Seokjin. "So, why was he flirting?"

"How the fuck should I know?" Seokjin quipped and sipped from his flask. Things like this never happened to Jin very often. He was the harbinger of gluttony, for christs sake. People indulged themselves in him, he was everything in excess. People need more of him. This? Oh, terribly out of the ordinary and he was not having it. "He should be begging for me, asking for more and more of my presence!"

"Has he done it before?" Donghun inquired. It was pretty bold of him considering he and Seokjin were pretty much strangers. He was just nosey and instigative, a mix that was right up Seokjin's alley. "I mean, does he normally beg?"

Seokjin slumped against the couch. "No, I guess not."

"So he's not like other people," Hoseok chimed in. "Is that why you like him so much?"

Seokjin perked up at that, realizing Hoseok was probably right. "Who said I liked him?"

"Don't kid yourself." Hoseok giggled, "You do, that's why you're upset."

"No!" Jin denied, "I'm upset because there's no way Hyunwoo can compare to me in the slightest and he's flirting with him!"

Donghun shook his head, "Jin, Namjoon flirts now and then whenever you don't engage with him enough, im pretty sure."

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