6. Maids

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"I didn't mean it like that."

"Ah, well it's a date to me."

Hoseok woke up after a fantastic night's sleep, feeling well rested for once. He sat up and stretched, remembering how he spent the night before he slept. With Yoongi.

He whipped his head around but found the spot next to him empty, and found himself upset by that. He shouldn't be, it's Satan, for crying out loud. Somehow, hearing his story made him seem more human, and that was a scary thought.

Despite being a former angel, he was still the devil. Capable of many evil things and guilty of encouraging them, Yoongi was not to be trusted. No matter how attractive he is.

Yoongi appeared in the doorway, shirtless like before. "Aw, you were looking for me?" He smugly said as he walked back inside and sat on the bed, giving Hoseok's legs a pat.

"N-no, I wasnt." Hoseok lied. Yoongi only chuckled, his plan was working already. He didn't even have to do much.

Yoongi had decided this human was way too intriguing to toss aside and make into a regular servant. Hoseok was to become one of his right hands. By that he meant be with him constantly like an appendage, not be a personal assistant. He was entertaining and he dare say cute as fuck. Hoseok would be his whether he liked it or not. After all, he did sign his soul away to Yoongi already.

Yoongi had planned to woo him over but it seems he's already done it. Getting Hoseok to admit it and actually want him would be a bit hard, but he's getting somewhere, that's for sure.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok called, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a fist. Yoongi bit his lip as he watched how cutely it was done. He was like a cat he wanted to pet all the time, a little pet human.


"When will I get my companion?"

The question shattered Yoongi's bright take on the world right now. Hoseok was getting impatient and wanted company. But he was lonely. So he wants anyone but Yoongi? No, this won't do. He won't let it. Besides, his companion is already here. That's not the point. The point is, he doesn't want Yoongi around. We can't have that, now, can we?

"He'll show up when he shows up," Yoongi replied a bit aggressively, a flash of red shining through his eyes for a second. It made Hoseok flinch slightly and look down in fear. That probably wasn't helping him sweep him off his feet. "Sorry," Yoongi looked away, feeling weird about apologizing. It wasn't something he did very often. "I didn't mean to be so angry."

"It's okay," Hoseok quietly answered, getting up and turning back to face him. Politely asking, "Are you gonna eat breakfast with me?"

It sounded more like a request to Yoongi and that flaming jealousy from a few seconds ago vanished in an instant. "Sure," he replied and followed him out. He couldn't let him think he was too interested in him. That would probably freak him out more, Satan having a huge crush on you and deciding to never let you go. Besides, Satan wasn't one to follow people around like a puppy. He wasn't soft, he wasn't loving, and he wasn't caring. He is evil, and just happens to like some things.

"I hope this is okay," Hoseok said as he poured two bowls of cereal. "I'm not sure what you're used to eating but-"

"Human souls." Yoongi interrupted. Hoseok froze with eyes wide open, afraid of what he'd just heard. Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I'm kidding, I eat food just like everyone else."

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