25. Arguing

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It was no surprise when he felt his eyes prick and then warm tears slide down his face. It wasn't an ideal way to fall asleep but it sure did knock him out.

"Hobi?" Yoongi called out as he walked into the room, closing the door behind himself. He looked on when he got no reply. "Hoseok?" He quickly found Hoseok under the covers, his body creating a lump on the bed. Something had to be troubling him, Yoongi noticed Hoseok would envelope himself and sit in his solitude when he was upset. It happened quite often when he watched him from afar and it was honestly a surprise for him to see it here. Call him dumb but he honestly expected it to happen way less now that they were together. Hoseok could have anything he wanted now. He felt a tug in his chest when he walked over and saw Hoseok awake and hiccuping underneath his hand. Yoongi took a seat at the end of Hoseok's feet. "What's the matter, doll?"

Hoseok shook his head, "Just sad," there was no way he'd admit the real reason. That he was insecure, that Jimin was better than him, that Yoongi would toss him away sooner or later. No, he couldn't voice any of these concerns if he wanted a chance of sticking around any longer than another week. He can't be the only person to last this long and then cry because someone else came before him. That's like a duck asking to be shot during hunting season. It's not exactly the most heroic or poetic act. In fact, it'll simply be ungrateful of him to do so.

Yoongi shook his head, "Lying is a sin, my pretty little puppy." Hoseok's breathing calmed at the name, feeling flustered but comforted by it. "Be honest with me, baby. I can always tell when you're lying. I've dealt with liars for centuries, I'm pretty good at digging them out."

Hoseok shook his head, "I swear, I'm just sad because I miss my family."

Yoongi smiled fondly at him. "No, you Don't. You're upset because of something. I don't know what it is but I know damn well it's not that. Whatever, if you don't wanna tell me that's fine." He chuckled and kicked his shoes off, crawling onto the bed next to Hoseok and wrapping his arms around him, back to chest as he breathed him in. His lips grazed Hoseok's neck and gave it a soft, lingering kiss. "My little liar. Sinning little Seokie, you're supposed to be my sweet little Seokie."

Hoseok sniffled, "'m still sweet," he mumbled.

Yoongi hummed, "What was that?"

"Im still sweet." Hoseok clarified. He tensed, eyes blown wide open when he felt Yoongi's forked tongue lick the side of his neck and following it up with another small kiss to the area.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Yoongi toyed with him. "Don't taste like before." Hoseok looked over his shoulder with concern that something was wrong with him. Maybe this was the moment Yoongi decided to discard him. Yoongi grabbed him by the chin and held him in place, leaning in and kissing him deep, savoring the sweet taste of Hoseok's mouth that was continuously tangy with fruit juices as he made him eat them every day. Something made him feel complete when he saw Hoseok enjoy a healthy snack. The sour taste of his kiss was simply a bonus. "You taste different." That wasn't a lie, today Hoseok tasted like pineapple when yesterday it was orange. Hoseok's kiss back faltered as warm tears slid down his cheeks. Yoongi felt the wetness on his face and looked at Hoseok with concern. "What's wrong, Hobi?" His big hands held Hoseok's face so gently it made him feel even worse.

"I Don't taste right?" He asked with a slight wail he tried to contain.

Yoongi shook his head, "I never said you tasted bad, baby. I simply said you tasted different." Yoongi smirked as he kept a firm hold on Hoseok's chin while his other hand pushed his shoulder down so he was on his back. "Now let me finish my meal, will you?" Hoseok cocked a brow but quickly melted under Yoongi's touch when Yoongi kissed him again. His tongue forcing itself between Hoseok's lips and into his mouth, tangling with Hoseok's tongue. He was being kissed breathless and it was beginning to get hard to keep up but Hoseok didn't care in the slightest. When they parted, a string of saliva connected their mouths for a split second, their lips glossy and red. Hoseok panted and eyed Yoongi warily, whom hovered above him with a grin. "Is it scary?" Yoongi littered small kissed along Hoseok's jawline down to his neck, smirking when Hoseok's breath would catch in his throat.

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