11. Bedroom

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Both of them were so excited for this new chapter, it was hard to control themselves and prevent bursting at the seams with joy.

Yoongi snapped his fingers and they appeared in a room larger than life. Hoseok's mouth ajar as he took it all in. Plush black carpet covered the floor, a king size bed with black and red sheets and a black canopy cascading over it, accents of red, orange, and yellow scattered around just like the other room. It was very regal and tidy, but someone had obviously been living in there as well. "What do you think?"

"It's very," Hoseok was stunned, not knowing what to say. "Dark." Not a single window in sight now That he thinks about it.

Yoongi rubbed his neck nervously, "Yeah, sorry about that. I've got an affinity for the whole, you know, black and fire thing."

Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi, he'd never imagined Satan would be a little embarrassed over anything let alone his room. "It's nice." Hoseok commented, reaching to hold Yoongi's hand as his eyes wandered the room again. Yoongi was happy Hoseok wasn't paying attention to him so he wouldn't see the shy smile on his face. Torches up high on the walls he assumed Yoongi would turn on and off, it sprung the question of how Hoseok would turn them on and off when Yoongi wasn't around but that's a problem for later. Instead he focused back on Yoongi. "What do you do for fun in here? You know, tiny hobbies?"

Yoongi teased as he dragged him in further to the room. "Why would you ask me that when you don't even have hobbies either?"

Hoseok's small smile never faltered. "I'm asking because I don't have hobbies! Maybe yours can entertain me."

Yoongi pulled him towards a table with small materials for sculpting with clay and painting supplies all over it. Clearly something he's been tending to a lot. "Technically this counts as work but it's fun for me and I don't only do it for work, sometimes I make little things because it's fun." Hoseok was amused big bad Satan liked making tiny clay sculptures. "It's not lame, not when you know how it works."

"But i Don't know how it works," Hoseok chuckled, "So....It's lame."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Stupid human." He mumbled but his scowl quickly left when Hoseok's laughter invaded his ears again.

"How does it work?"

Yoongi clapped his hands, "Well, as the root of all evil," he snaked his neck with wide eyes, playfully saying it as if that wasn't serious. "It's my job to create things to push evil and it's agenda. God makes humans through DNA from the parents and whatnot, I take humans already made and make them into what I need them for. I also make my own people but they inevitably come back here when they die since I made them. They have souls and everything, just an inclination towards bad things as well so they'll always be my servants here. They're not horrid people, they enjoy things and love things, they just happen to also be assholes so, you know. I make monsters and other demons, worse ones than my servants, I mean like kick you out of your house type stuff. I make bad ideas for bad people, all of that stuff. This clay is creation. I give it a little puff of fire from my hand to bake and then paint it, then store it for whenever I need to send it out. Or if it's immediate I just flick and off it goes. I also make demon bodies and such for people if I wanna. Some people here are just human looking and others get horns, wings, whatever I want. Maybe if they were dog shit people I give them worse." Yoongi reached across the table and touched the red brick walls, the brick moving back and revealing a large acrylic case with figures. "I mostly do it for work in my office. The clay here isn't creation clay, it's just clay. I like to make sculptures an stuff, too." The case had a very detailed and impressive array of different sculptures. Some tiny busts, some statues, some small figures, everything. He opened the case and pulled out a small sculpture of Spider-Man, detailed down to the microscopic eye and painted that way, too.

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