31. Discovery

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Spending time with him really was Yoongi's favorite pastime, it felt odd to be so happy, but he was grateful nonetheless.

The next day, Yoongi sat in his throne room with a bored look on his face like always. "This again, Jimin?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Nothing you say will change anything, except maybe my allowance of you being in my presence."

Jimin sighed, "Look, Yoongi, If you don't believe me then go see for yourself. Ask the big guy, why don't you?" It really frightened Jimin because currently, Hoseok was a threat to not only his job but his entire world. A threat not only welcomed with open arms, but given everything he wanted as well. "Go talk to him and you'll see I was right. I'm not fucking jealous, I fuck Taehyung better than anything we've ever done together so don't get any ideas about jealousy. This is about our very existence, Yoongi. Do your fucking job and investigate it a little if you really care about your role as overlord." With that, Jimin walked out of the room.

Namjoon and Seokjin sat silently before finding the courage to speak up. "I think he's right." Namjoon commented. Yoongi glared at him.

Seokjin shook his head, "No, no, Yoongi, I think he's right, too." He walked over and sat on the floor infront of him, beginning to float a few feet on the air with his legs crossed. Just a normal day around here among the higher ups. "It's worth at least looking into. If it's true then you'll know it's true. If it's not then you can throw Jimin in the dungeon or something as punishment. At least go check outta spite so you can lock him up for a while."

Namjoon nodded, "You're one petty motherfucker, I know you'll go." He turned to Jin and smiled, "Good job, Jin."

Yoongi closed his eyes and sighed, "Fine, only to feel the satisfaction of proving that motherfucker wrong." He looked at Namjoon, "Phone."

"Can you say 'please'?" Namjoon retorted.

"Please, get me the phone or I'll shred you like cheese."

Namjoon got up with a huff and called for a servant. "You act like you were raised by wolves." He said something to the servant and sat back down. "Should be here in a few seconds."

In scuttled a servant holding a black phone on a large gold tray. He stood infront of Yoongi and kneeled. "Thank you, Hyunjin."

"Okay," Namjoon threw his hands in the air in exasperation. "What the fuck?" Jin chuckled to himself. "It's not funny!" Namjoon complained, it did nothing to wipe the smile off Jin's face. Secretly, it made Namjoon happy that he was making him smile. "How come he gets a 'thank you' but I get a threat?"

"Because he's scared of me." Yoongi calmly replied and reached out, picking up the phone and holding it up to his ear. He punched a number in and waited patiently as it rung, mostly because he didn't care to be doing this anyway.



"Oh!" The voice on the other end was excited to be hearing from him. "Yoongi! What a surprise!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can I come up there?"

"You wanna visit?!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Not now, not ever." He cleared his throat awkwardly remembering his manners and that he'd be asking for a favor. Now would be the time to use them. "I need a favor."

"Anything for my favorite angel."

"That's 'fallen angel' to you." Yoongi corrected. "Anyway, look, I need information. So I've got to get up there and see it for myself."


"So," Yoongi waited for a reply but got silence instead, "I get in there, how?"

"Oh, right!" The voice hummed quietly, just loud enough to be picked up barely over the line. A ripple appeared in the room which soon wobbled into a large circle showing another place on the inside ; a portal had opened up. "You have five minutes, Yoongi. Don't do anything stupid, you know you'll reap the consequences."

"Whatever," Yoongi grumbled, "Thanks, Jungkook." He hung up the phone and got up, stepping through the portal and feeling himself grow weaker as he stepped into the other side. It was bright and airy, a normal person's ideal air quality but Yoongi hated how well it filled his lungs and made him feel blissful with ease.
He took a look around and found himself at a directory ; the same one Taehyung had previously visited. The secretary looked up and gasped so hard, he began to cough. Yoongi smirked, feeling better already. He could tell the angel was trying to catch his breath and smack the panic button. "I got permission, I've got five minutes here. Where's the info on people?"

"D-down that way, uh," the angel swallowed, unable to look Yoongi in the eyes. "To the left."

"Thanks," Yoongi shoved his hands in his pockets and calmly walked over to the library, whistling when he saw the open double doors. The place was huge but thankfully there was another help desk. The same thing occurred with the angel being too stunned to breathe right for a few seconds.

"Give me Jung Hoseok's book."

"T-theres many, uh, many Jung Hoseok's. Please think of the o-one you're talking of." Yoongi rolled his eyes but closed them and thought of his love. His sweet smile and perfect soft voice, his sharp nose and crescent eyes. "Here you go." The angel rushed out and Yoongi opened his eyes to see the book being held fearfully out to him. Yoongi thanked him and grabbed the book, sat down, and opened it.

He didn't have much time left, only three minutes give it take a few seconds. He had to be quick. He opened the book and read the very first page.

' Jung Hoseok was predestined to be an angel. He was made one of the few people meant to be goodness personified. Hoseok is the antonym to Satan. Though not God, Jung Hoseok is made to be Min Yoongi's opposite.'

"God fucking damn it," he muttered. The room gasped but Yoongi really wasn't in the mood for it. "Oh, shut the fuck up, dickheads. Your lives were insignificant the whole time!" He angrily slammed the book shut and tossed it on the ground, jogging back to the portal he'd stepped through. Thankfully it was still opened and nobody on either side had dared to step through. When he finally ended up back home, the portal closed behind him.

Seokjin and Namjoon were sat patiently waiting for his return. Jin had a warm smile on his face. "See?" He cheerily greeted, "You Can say you told him, so."

Yoongi hadn't moved since he'd arrived back, simply staring at the ground with his fists clenched. "Get, out." He ordered.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"I said, get the fuck out!" Yoongi boomed and Namjoon knew better than to challenge him right now. He took a hold of Seokjin's hand and pulled him out of the room, jumping when the door slammed shut after them.

"I take it Hoseok's an angel?" Seokjin stated in shock.

Namjoon shrugged, "Guess so."

Seokjin shrugged, "I see it."

"Who doesn't?" Namjoon rolled his eyes and dragged Jin into a common room in search of Jimin and Taehyung. "Come on, let's dig into this."

Hoseok is a milf


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