14. Respect

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Hoseok hated to admit that did help but he was also very afraid of that. "Okay, let's go back." Hoseok nodded and let Yoongi silently take them back to their room.

The door closed behind him and Yoongi led him to the bed. It had been a long day already and Hoseok was tired. Yoongi was already tired as well, as sloth is one of the seven deadly sins after all.

"Should we hit the sack?" Yoongi asked and pulled his shirt off, tossing it into the basket the woman had come to retrieve. He did sleep naked or in sweats usually, but he was even more eager to do so with Hoseok around. Seducing Hoseok was at the forefront of his mind often and it was slightly annoying him. Though for once in his existence he used restraint and pushed through it all for Hoseok.

His sweats hung low on his hips and it made Hoseok stare openly. His mind was blank and his eyes were wide, lips parted in awe. The happy trail disappearing under the waistband had Hoseok's mind threatening to wander. It's a miracle he wasn't drooling yet.

Yoongi smirked and closed Hoseok's mouth with a light lift of his chin. The pink quickly settling across Hoseok's face made it all the more satisfying. "If you wanna see me naked all you have to do is ask."

Hoseok came back to and quickly swat Yoongi's hand away, turning around with a huff. "Do you have pajamas I can wear?" Yoongi thought about giving him some of his clothes, a sense of ownership almost, but decided against it. He had well developed self control but he really didn't feel like jacking off in the bathroom tonight. Instead he snapped his fingers and a cute yellow pajama set appeared in Hoseok's hands. "Why didn't you just snap me right into them?" He meant no ill will, simply a question is all.

"So I could watch you change." Hoseok scowled, taken aback and Yoongi laughed. The snap quickly following and Hoseok stood in the soft set right at the edge of the bed. "Aw," Yoongi laid on his side and held his head in his palm. "You're so cute." Hoseok looked down and ignored it, climbing into the bed. "Ah!" Yoongi scolded, "You better take that damn compliment."

"Thank you." He shyly mumbled. Adjusting to this all was a lot. He didn't know if he could handle it all, it was frightening to say the least.  Yoongi smiled, satisfied with that. If he had to frighten Hoseok into thinking highly of himself, then so be it.

Yoongi studied Hoseok's face, engraining it into his memory to burn forever. "Now, no more going off by yourself." Normally, Hoseok would protest such a restriction of freedom but frankly, he had no interest in wandering off at all, let alone by himself. "You are to stay in this room unless stated otherwise. If you're outside of this room, it better be with me. Got it?" Hoseok nodded, feeling like an imprisoned prince but honestly feeling okay with it as well.

"Just don't leave me alone too long." He quietly asked. It made Yoongi smile. Usually when regular people attached to him he wasn't the biggest fan and would shoo them away quickly. With Hoseok, it was the opposite. It made him happy Hoseok wanted to stick by his side.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Hoseok hesitated in asking before biting the bullet for his own sanity. "You're not gonna, gonna do anything, are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like," Hoseok swallowed, afraid of the worst case scenario unfolding. "You won't do anything inappropriate tonight, right?"

Yoongi was a bit hurt by the question but he fully understood the concern. "No, i won't do anything you're uncomfortable with. I won't touch you intimately or anything. I'm not a monster," he leaned in next to Hoseok's ear to tease him a bit. "Unless you want me to be."

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