26. Apologies

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I guess they couldn't be honeymooners forever now, could they?

Yoongi woke up alone. He looked around thinking maybe Hoseok was in the room but he wasnt. No trace of him at all. Waking up alone was something Yoongi had completely forgotten the sensation of. The last time he woke up alone he was indifferent to it. Now he felt his skin crawl about it. He sighed and got ready for his day, leaving and making his way to his throne room. He'd skip breakfast today.

When he got there and sat down, everyone could tell he was in a bad mood. Satan in a bad mood is a recipe for terrible things to brew.

"What's up with you, grumpy?" Jin asked, always one of the only people to challenge Yoongi on days like this. Yoongi had a soft spot for Jin, he wouldn't mess with him very much. Key word ; much.

Namjoon tensed as he waited for Yoongi's reaction. Jin was very daring and a bit reckless, perhaps that's why he ended up down there in the first place.

"Hoseoks mad at me."

Jin giggled, "Trouble in paradise?"

"I made him cry." Yoongi added shamefully.

"Oh," Jin cringed, "What'd you do that for?"

"Not on purpose!" Yoongi snapped, ignoring Jin's fond smile. "He's upset I didn't tell him about me and Jimin having had a fling centuries ago."

"Well, why didn't you tell him?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi shrugged, "Didn't seem important."

"Oh, okay," Jimin popped his tongue in his mouth. "Our time together wasn't important?"

"Jimin, we were fuck buddies for less than a year and dated for a month," Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't call you 'the one that got away'."

Jimin gasped, "Ouch."

"Well, Jimin," Namjoon asked, "Would you say the same for Yoongi."

"Yeah." Jimin shrugged. "It was fun but honestly good riddance."

"I'm right here." Yoongi chimed in, scoffing when his advisors laughed. "The point is, it doesn't feel like something I need to mention. It was a long time ago and we're not invested in each other like that at all."

"Yeah, you were a good fuck but that's kinda all." Jimin yawned, "You never treated me anywhere close to how you treat Hoseok."

"So why'd he cry over that?"

Yoongi shook his head, "I don't know. I don't even know how he found out about that."

"Oh that?" Jin perked up, "I told him."

"What?!" Yoongi boomed.

Jin shrugged, "Yeah, we were just talking and Jimin came up. I made a joke or whatever and ended up having to elaborate." He threw that in nonchalantly, like he hadn't triggered an issue. Jin was oblivious to how he affected others sometimes.

"Apologize to him, now." Yoongi ordered.

Jin scoffed, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"I Don't give a damn." Yoongi ordered calmly. It sent shivers down everyone's spines. "Apologize for making him doubt himself."

"I didn't do that!"

Yoongi sighed, his eyes a bright orange as they flared at Seokjin. "You caused Hoseok to cry. You will apologize or I will do thinks to you that make you cry for the next decade."

Seokjin shivered at the threat and swallowed. Sometimes they forget how scary their friend is. "Okay, fine." He rolled his eyes and got up, leaving the throne room in pursuit of Hoseok. He grumbled under his breath about how he didn't do anything wrong, simply relying information from one person to the other. Did Yoongi plan to keep his and Jimin's past a secret for eternity?

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