29. Research

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Not sure if I've mentioned them before but I'll clarify from here on out. If I mentioned them before then ignore that I'll go and fix that later.

Jungkook is God okay? Okay. In this story at least. Maybe in your heart or whatever

Every now and then it'd hit him that he's going out of his way to make someone smile, a human at that. Still, he didn't feel any different.

Jimin paced back and forth in his chambers. "It just doesn't make sense."

Taehyung laid on the bed tossing a ball in the air and catching it with the other hand, alternating between the two. "Do you really think your boyfriend wants to hear about you and your complaints about your ex's new fling?"

Jimin crossed his arms and pouted, finally coming to a stop. "That ex is still your ruler, and the one you serve, at that."

"I mean, yeah. He's my friend and all but he's still your ex. It's weird to hear you talk about his relationship."

Jimin sighed, "Baby, I know, but trust me ; it's not like that. I'm not jealous, or envious, it's none of that. I'm worried. Something's not normal about that guy. I've never cared about Yoongi's flings before because they weren't sounding off my alarms."

Taehyung sighed, "Maybe it's because he's never treated a fling like he treats Hoseok before and you're jealous about that."

Jimin gasped, "I'm not! Do you think I don't love you?"

Taehyung shrugged, "I know you do, but we're also demons, Jimin." He said, not even looking away as he spoke, keeping his eyes trained on the squishy soft ball he was tossing. Still silence made the room uncomfortable. It was time to hash things out, they guessed. "I wouldn't put it past demons to lie like that. I've been lied to like that before, so have you. Everyone down here has. You can't expect me not to be a pessimist when I ended up down here."

Jimin was tearing up in frustration and anger. "Ugh!" He threw his arms up and clenched his fists when they came back down. "Why doesn't anyone believe me that this isn't out of jealousy?" He began to lose collection of himself. "I can't believe you're doubting me and my love like this." Honest was all he'd been this entire time, calling out the oddness where he saw it and no one would believe him. The truth isn't too hard to come by down here but for once he wished they really knew he was being transparent. "Yoongi and i were a fling. That's all we were and ever will have been past best friends. I care about him, which is why I'm trying to look out for him with this. Somethings not right. Not necessarily evil and against him but definitely an opposite energy, opponent or underlying scheme. Somethings up. I care about him and don't want him to deal with that."

Taehyung finally sat up. Laying down for so long like that was making him stretch like crazy. "If you say so."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Fine, believe what you want. That little fucker makes it hard for me to sleep. It's like I'm almost done with a puzzle but I lost the last piece, it's driving me nuts."

"Do you really care that much?" Taehyung asked. Jimin had never been like this before. Though he did have a thing about incomplete things, it had never gone to the extent of people. Times like this are when Taehyung remembers just how big a deal Jimin is. He's towards the top of the food chain here in Hell and with that comes a lot of responsibility.

"Yeah, not even for Yoongi's sake at this point. That's part of it but it's unsettling to me, this feeling that somethings out of place. I hate feeling like I'm not doing my job. Hoseok is nice, too nice to end up here. I know he came willingly but still."

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