16. Shopping

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Let's go get you some clothes." Hoseok smiled, shyly holding Yoongi's hand with both of his and nodding.

Yoongi snapped his fingers so a cute pair of low top sneakers appeared on Hoseok's feet, declaring them both ready to go. "Come on, Hoseok. We're going shopping." He guided Hoseok to the large car in the driveway, holding him by the small of his back and opening the back door for him. He followed and closed the door behind himself, instructing the driver. "Take us to the mall, please." The driver smiled and gave a polite nod, content with his highness's curtesy of asking 'please'. Yoongi doesn't do it every time but when he does, it makes his driver content with working for him. A reminder he is working for a kind man in disguise.

Yoongi looked out the window, pulling Hoseok close to his side by the waist, pretending like he didn't care about what was happening when in fact he really did. He wanted Hoseok as close as possible and in his sight constantly. He'd never been like this before and it freaked him out at first, it still does, but now he's a lot more excited as well. Excited someone could ever make him feel like this, feel things he's never felt before. It's an amazing feeling.

Hoseok blushed at the feeling of a strong arm pulling him flush against Yoongi's side. He smiled down at his lap, knowing if he turns his head would be right at Yoongi's collar and shoulder respectively. He felt so special to be shown such possessiveness and protection. Many people down here may not like him, but Yoongi sure as hell does a whole lot.

Music hummed through the speakers while everyone in the car was silent, though the partition was rolled up so the driver couldn't say much if he wanted to. Yoongi and Hoseok sat in confortable silence almost the whole way there, only a few words exchanged between the two. It was one thing Hoseok loved about them. He liked that both men seemed to understand silently, that they enjoy the other's presence and that means enjoying each other in silence sometimes. It was a problem he had explaining to people on earth. The fact he managed to find someone who really got it, had him buzzing all over as he sat quietly with an arm around him.

"We're here." Yoongi stated when the driver stopped and rolled the partition down a bit. "Thank you, Jongho." The driver simply nodded, driving off to park and wait for when Yoongi needed him again.

Yoongi and Hoseok stood infront of the doors to the largest mall in the underworld. Obnoxiously big, just how Yoongi liked it. Hoseok on the other hand, did not. It looked intimidating and vast, two things he wasn't a fan of. Yoongi saw the hesitation and reached for his hand, giving it a small kiss on the knuckles. "I'm right here, just don't let go of my hand and you'll be alright." Hoseok nodded, intertwining their hands and using his other hand to hold onto Yoongi's bicep, a move that really stroked the other's ego. They walked inside and stopped to scope the place out, Hoseok being intimidated by the size immediately. "Get whatever you want, i know a guy." He leaned over and whispered smugly, "I'm the guy." Hoseok simply chuckled at his joke and nodded. They stood hesitantly for a few seconds before Yoongi broke the silence. "What are you waiting for? Lead the way, Hoseok."

Hoseok shrunk a bit at the tone though he knew not to take it personally as that's just the way Yoongi is. Still, it made Hoseok feel small in a way he couldn't piece together. He couldn't decide if he was a fan of it or not.

Meanwhile, despite that small internal crisis he was having, there was another current one as well. He was never in charge or took any lead, people never let him and consequently when the opportunity was presented he declined always because he felt he didn't know what to do. For the most minuscule things this was still a problem, and it was showing right now.

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