34. Apologies (Again)

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"Fuck you." He spat, and walked all the way through, fuming when he heard Jungkook chuckle.

Yoongi returned to his room and furiously punched the wall a few times, panting as he watched the rubble fall to the floor.

He can't even ask himself how he could've been so stupid, because he wasn't. He wasn't being stupid, he was simply being cautious. It's his job to do so as ruler of the realm. Still, he loves Hoseok, and love makes you stupid. Even to the point of doubting it.

Yoongi wondered aloud, "What am i gonna do?" He had no clue how to fix this. How could he? He knew he should probably stay away until he figured out how to properly apologize but he couldn't stop himself. Yoongi was marching over to Hoseok's room and knocked on the door. "Hoseok?" When he got no reply, he tried the doorknob and found it was locked. He wouldn't waste his time on it. Instead, he flicked his wrist and the door opened, revealing the room to be a bit empty. "Hobi?" He called out again. No response. He walked in and turned the corner, finding Hoseok collapsed on the soft pale blue rug with his face in his forearms with one knee bent up at his chest and the other bent slightly behind it. "Baby," Yoongi quietly cooed.

Yoongi approached carefully but received no response. He sat down and saw Hoseok's eyes were closed. His pretty face was stained with tears and he was mortified to have been the cause. All rosy and shiny, his face looked so soft. Yoongi wanted to kiss the tears away but he's sure Hoseok would scream in fear if he did that right then .

"Hoseok," Yoongi whispered and shuffled until he was sat right next to Hoseok's head . Yoongi began to run his fingers through Hoseok's soft hair and brought his head onto his lap gently, scared to wake up his little boyfriend. Irreparable damage had been done on his end and he was scared to face the reality of his mistakes.

Hoseok stirred but ultimately buried his face into Yoongi's thigh. Yoongi wanted to keep this moment forever ; where Hoseok wasn't mad at him and he was calm simply because he was asleep. The tear stains on his face crushed that hope but even then it was better than Hoseok hating him for what he'd said.

"Hobi, wake up." He encouraged and ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair as he stirred, whining and stretching. It took him a second to note their position and slowly sat up. Being found like that in the middle of an argument was embarrassing to say the least. It's almost like a message that you don't mean business when in reality he was simply sleepy. No matter, there were bigger things to address. "Hey."

"Please, don't hurt me." Hoseok quietly begged, averting his gaze fearfully.

Yoongi's face softened completely. "Hoseok, I would never hurt you. Why would you say that?"

"You punched the wall by my head," he mumbled, "I'm scared."

It was one thing to scare him, but for him to say he's scared. Scared - as in still currently in fear. That one hurt a million times more. Yet, Yoongi knew he deserved it. Him saying he would never hurt him won't take away the fear in the blink of an eye. These were the consequences of his actions and he had to deal with that.

Yoongi sighed, "I'm sorry. I was freaked out. You're the best thing I've ever had- not that you're a 'thing' but, you know, just, the best part of my existence. In all my centuries, you're the best part. When the idea that the best aspect of my existence might not even be real was planted, I got scared." He swallowed, it takes a lot for him to admit fear. "So i reacted foolishly when I was convinced this was some kinda rouse. I know the truth now, and I'm sorry I didn't learn it sooner."

Hoseok nodded, "Okay, I forgive you, but, please don't ever do that again."

"What part?" Yoongi sighed in relief and contently pulled Hoseok Into a hug. He pulled him into his lap and smiled widely.

"All of it." He sighed, "I don't think I should forgive you that easy but I don't know what else I'm supposed to do." Hoseok lacks experience, he's doing what feels right. With a shrug, Hoseok laid his head on Yoongi's shoulder. With his cheek pressed against it and giving him a pout, he let out a muffled, "What did you discover about me."

"I met with Jungkook and he showed me your book of life. That's the very thing that gave Taehyung 'confirmation' that you weren't human. He should've bothered to read a few more pages." Anger flashed in his eyes, "I should smite him for-"

"No," Hoseok chirped and reached for Yoongi's shoulder in a comforting hold. "It's not their fault. They were just worrying about their home, Yoongi. Now, what'd you learn?"

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist and pressed him to his side. "You were supposed to be an angel."

Hoseok pulled back to get a good look at Yoongi's face. "What?"

Yoongi nodded, "Jungkook made you to be my opposite but never expected us to meet. He made you with the plan to make you an angel but decided against it and made you a regular human. Which is why you're so angelic. Perfect in every way it's almost suspicious."

Hoseok blushed at the comment. "I, I didn't know that was a possibility."

"Mhm," Yoongi didn't know that was a thing either. It's probably happened before but it had never affected him directly until now. "We were supposed to exist without knowing the other also existed but you summoned me and we crossed paths. Now we're here."

Hoseok nodded and rest his head against Yoongi again. "You thought I was a spy."

Yoongi was embarrassed but nodded. "Yeah, there's no way someone as sweet as you should be down here." It was hard to believe for most people once they learned Hoseok willingly came. To sell his soul was one thing but to willingly date Satan is a whole other treasure box. No one in their right mind would believe that. No one not in their right mind would, either.

Hoseok laughed quietly, "You're right I don't belong here." Yoongi raised a brow to remind him of what he'd said before. "I belong with you."

"That's my baby." Yoongi praised. "Now that I know the truth, I've gotta let everybody know if they keep bothering you and I about this, I'll snap them out of existence." They both chuckled briefly at the halfhearted joke. Halfhearted because Yoongi really did mean it. He'd be having a talk with Jimin and Yoongi, but that could wait a while. "I'm really sorry, my love. Communication really isn't my strong suit but I'll do my best for you."

That phrase lit Hoseok up like the sun lights up the world in the morning. He smiled widely, eyes turning to crescents and nodding at Yoongi in gratitude. "I will, too." Despite this not being any part Hoseok's fault, he never communicated his thoughts much back on earth. He could tell he'd have trouble doing so here just like he did there. So in this moment, he decided he'd work on communication as well. They'd grow together, just like any good couple should.

Oh my good I am SO sorry for making y'all wait so long. I get busy and depressed and it makes things hard but once I get back to it I'm like omg why haven't I been writing I love this

Guys Hoseok is my baby girl idc he's a dude he's still baby girl


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