Kagome's POV
Koga grabbed her by the arm and gently threw her down onto a giant nest. The wolf demon tribe proceeded to come up behind Koga, their gazes fixed on Kagome.
"Who's the lady Koga?" One asked.
"Can I have a bite?" Asked another.
"This one's special," Koga growled. "I'll kill anyone who tries to take a bite!" He snarled, causing the pack to back up in fear.
One of the normal wolves came up to Koga, sniffing. Kagome watched as he raised his tail and took ahold of Shippo.
"Oh yeah, I forgot he grabbed onto my tail when I picked up Kagome. Here's a little treat," he huffed, tossing Shippo aside.
Kagome's eyes grew wide as the wolves surrounded Shippo, licking their lips.
"Stop!" She exclaimed. Koga turned to look at her. "If you hurt him, I won't help," Kagome huffed, crossing her arms. Koga blinked at her before turning around and picking up one of the wolves that had surrounded Shippo.
"You guys are getting heavy, no more food for a couple of days. Alright, off you go," he ordered, gently tossing the wolf aside before picking up Shippo and handing the fox demon to Kagome.
Shippo and Kagome held onto each other tightly. As Koga stared down at them, Kagome hoped with all her heart that Inuyasha would soon be coming to save her.
(The next day)
Kagome awoke to find Koga had left the den. Shippo was already awake, his eyes glancing back from the wolf demons to the entrance.
Kagome narrowed her eyes. He was thinking about something, wasn't he? Shrugging it off, Kagome sighed. There wasn't much to do, so she was just stuck in thought.
I wonder how Y/n's doing. I don't believe she would ever willingly go with Naraku, he must've done something to her.
She sighed again.
Why did we have to run into Koga and the wolf demon tribe? Why did I have to get kidnapped? We could be off searching for Y/n and Naraku!
Shippo's POV
Shippo turned to see Kagome deep in thought. She looked... disappointed. Why? Is it because they got kidnapped? Maybe.
He shook away the thought. He needed to focus!
Using his fox magic, he made himself look like Koga. He stood beside Kagome, looking around the den.
"Stand up," he ordered Kagome gently. She looked up at him, confused. "Come on Kagome," he whispered, bending down slightly. "We need to make it look real."
Kagome gave him a small smile and stood up with a nod. Satisfied, Shippo began to head towards the entrance, Kagome following close behind.
"Hey! Where are you going?" One of the wolf demon tribe asked, stopping Shippo and Kagome in their tracks. Shippo glanced over his shoulder at the wolf.
"I'm going to let this lady get some air. This cave smells awful!" Shippo remarked, which, seemed to work because the wolf nodded.
"Hey! Ginta! Hakkaku! Accompany Koga!" The wolf ordered, only for another wolf demon to look at him in confusion.
"Ginta and Hakkaku accompanied Koga on patrol earlier," the other wolf commented, confusing the first one.
Shippo mentally began to panic, especially when some of the normal wolves came up and sniffed him. Unfortunately, one of the wolves bit just tail, forcing Shippo back into his original form with a yelp.
The wolf demons glared at him, but Kagome quickly grabbed Shippo and darted out of the cave.
They didn't get very far, only a couple of steps outside, before they were stopped. Kagome and Shippo turned around to face the angry demon tribe.
Shippo gulped. This wasn't how he wanted things to turn out.
"I'm going to eat you," the wolf demon in front growled, taking a step forward.
Kagome turned to Shippo. "Shippo, you can expand your body and fly, right?" Shippo nodded at her, eyes wide with fear. Before he knew what was happening, she took him by the arm and tossed him away.
Shippo used his fox magic once more, suspending himself in the air. He was scared for Kagome, but he flew off to find Inuyasha and the others.
Inuyasha's POV
Inuyasha growled, flexing his claws while the giant bird held onto him.
Miroku and Sango flew on Kirara, not far behind. However, Shippo suddenly appeared, landing on Sango's lap and explaining that the giant birds were known as Birds of Paradise and were the mortal enemies of the Wolf demon tribe.
Inuyasha snarled and kicked the bird off him, landing in a pile of bones. He stared up angrily at Miroku.
"Miroku! Come down here!" Inuyasha snapped, flexing his claws. Miroku blinked at him before looking away.
Inuyasha growled again and turned away. He didn't have time for this, he needed to find Kagome.
(Little time later)
Inuyasha found the Wolf demon tribe, Kagome in their midst. Two of the wolf demons held on to her protectively, watching as the rest of their tribe fought with the birds.
Suddenly, one of the birds swooped down and grabbed ahold of one of the two near Kagome, causing him to yelp in surprise. Inuyasha stood still, not wanting to help.
Kagome's POV (Again)
Kagome glanced around urgently, before spotting a bow and some arrows. Picking them up, she quickly placed one of the arrows and pulled back the string.
Make the mark! She pleaded silently, letting go. Luckily, it hit the Bird of Paradise, cleanly cutting off one of the wings.
Kagome ran forward and helped the wolf demon to his feet, to which he responded with, "Thank you sis." Kagome nodded, tired of the 'sis' thing but not bothering to respond.
Suddenly, Inuyasha came into view, Tessaiga in hand. He slashed away one of the birds and ran towards Koga.
Koga turned to him with a glare, growling, "I don't have time for you Mutt," before racing off.
Kagome looked up at the mountain, spotting the small glow of the Jewel shard.
"Koga! It's just 50 more feet up!" She yelled to him, to which he responded with a nod. Inuyasha looked at her, a shocked look on his face. Kagome ignored him for now, there was so much more to worry about than his hurt pride at the moment.
Kagome glared at Inuyasha, the half-demon glaring back. The Wolf demon tribe ran off with Koga as Kagome ordered, irritating the half-demon and half-human greatly.
"Sango? Can I borrow Kirara?" Kagome asked coolly, not taking her eyes off Inuyasha as the demon-slayer responded with a hum.
"Oh? Miss your little wolf already?" Inuyasha growled, baring his teeth and severely angering Kagome.
"I'm going home stupid!" She snapped. "YOU'RE SUCH A JERK!!!"
Your POV
You face-palmed, causing Naraku to glance at you. You ignored him completely.
After hearing that Inuyasha ticked off Kagome so much to the point where she decided to go home made you sigh in disappointment.
Inuyasha has such a big ego, you huffed. Of course he made Kagome mad.
Well, at least you could stop worring about her for now.
(A/N: Wow, this is a long chapter. Oh well, you guys don't mind, right? At least you have plenty of stuff to read.)

Unexpected Love (Naraku x Fem! Reader)
FanfictionYou, Y/n L/n, are the adopted younger sister of Kagome Higurashi. One day, you and Kagome fall into the Bone Eater's Well. Unbeknownst to you, your life would change forever...