Chapter 44

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Your POV

Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippo stood outside while you, Kirara, Sango, Kohaku and Kagome hid in the hut.

You were a little surprised that Kohaku remembered you, but you said nothing while the siblings talked. And after a bit, you and Kagome walked out.

Inuyasha believed that this was all one of Naraku's traps, and you couldn't help but believe him. However, you weren't too happy with him when he decided to tell Sango.

After a bit of Sango and Inuyasha arguing, you looked up at the sky, suddenly feeling anxious. Inuyasha noticed as well and placed his hand on the hilt of Tessaiga.

"They're here," he growled. "Hundreds of them." And through the horde of demons descending from the sky came familiarly shaped blades, and the all too familiar figure of Kagura.

You glared at her as she landed, and instead of smirking at you like you expected, her eyes widened a bit and she took a step back. That small gesture made you grab your dagger and smile a bit in satisfaction. It seems little miss Kagura was a little scared of you.

"Where is Kohaku?" Kagura asked, avoiding your gaze. Inuyasha growled. You looked back at Sango and Kagome only to see them already running into the hut. Shippo followed but hid underneath the hut instead of going inside.

When you looked back at Kagura, you knew a fight was about to happen.

Kagome's POV

After checking the hut, Kagome and Sango ran out into the forest. Sango frantically called out Kohaku's name, and while Kagome was worried about him, she couldn't help but worry more about Y/n. She was her sister after all, even if it's not by blood.

After running for a bit, they found Kohaku surrounded by a horde of demons. Sango tossed her Hiraikotsu, killing them all in one fell swoop. But, when Kohaku saw them, his face turned solemn.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked.

"Because Kohaku," Sango hummed, walking up to stand beside him, "Even if you don't remember it, you're my little brother. My one and only little brother. If I wouldn't protect you, what kind of older sibling would I be?"

As Kagome watched, she couldn't help but feel sad. Was she a bad sister for not helping Y/n more?

But, there was no time reflect on it as more demons were heading this way.

"Kagome! Take care of Kohaku!" Sango ordered as she jumped onto Kirara's back and flew off towards the demons. Without a moment's hesitation Kagome grabbed Kohaku's hand and ran back the way they came.


Your POV (Again)

While Miroku focused on the demons, you and Inuyasha mostly focused on Kagura. It was unusual for Inuyasha to fight without Tessaiga, but you knew why.

Eventually, a demon managed to sweep past Miroku and wrap itself around the hut. You glanced over, nervous, but there was nothing inside the hut.

Feeling surprised, (and sorry for Shippo who couldn't get out from under the hut in time,) you and Inuyasha moved out of the way of Miroku.

"Miroku, stop! The Saimyosho are here!" You called as he reached up to remove the beads around his arm.

"I know!" He responded. "You and Inuyasha need to go find Sango and the others! I'll take care of them!"

"But Miroku-!" You paused as Inuyasha placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked at him.

"Come on. Let's go save Kagome," Inuyasha said, allowing you to climb on his back.

Feeling worried for Miroku and Shippo, you didn't look back as Inuyasha ran into the forest.

(Small timeskip brought to you by Kikyo's soul collectors)

When Inuyasha found Kagome, Kohaku ran off. You were confused until you spotted the open cut on her arm.

"Did Kohaku do this to you?" You asked, voice low.

"Y-yes," Kagome stammered. And before you could run off she said, "But he could've killed me if he wanted to."

"So he's still under Naraku's influence?" Inuyasha asked. You growled.

"Kohaku did this to you?" A familiar voice asked. The three of you turned to see a mortified Sango. Kagome nodded, but before she could say anything, Sango turned and ran in the direction Kohaku went.

"Inuyasha, stop her!" You and Kagone called simultaneously. Inuyasha nodded and ran off without a word.

When he was gone, you helped Kagome to her feet and led her back to the hut.

(Timeskip brought to you by Jewel shards)

Naraku's POV

"Why didn't you kill her Kohaku?" Naraku asked, looking down at the former demon slayer. "Even better yet, why didn't you get Y/n?"

He waited for a bit, but Kohaku did not responded. Naraku narrowed his eyes.

"Do you want your memories back? Do you want to be human again?" Still, Kohaku did not respond.

Without another word Naraku reached out and placed his hand on Kohaku's forehead, giving the boy his memories back. Instantly, Kohaku's eyes widened and he placed his hands on the sides of his head.

"No. No!" He screamed, shaking his head. Naraku hummed, repeating the process of placing his hand on Kohaku's forehead and erasing his memories.

I'll get you back Y/n. Just you wait.

(A/N: Oof, sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out. I've been feeling unmotivated ever since summer started. 😅 Anyways, hope you all have a great day/night! Bye!)

(Word count: 904)

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