Chapter 49

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(Season 3)

Your POV

You and the group stopped to rest in a nearby village. You hadn't really be paying attention, but after bit Shippo ran off. Kagome looked a little worried but you placed your hand on her shoulder and assured he'd be fine.

You focused on your thoughts. The other day Sango and Miroku went off to fight a demon who was stealing the men of the village. You could tell that something had happened between them, as Sango had a light blush on her face. Without even having to ask you knew Sango had fallen in love with monk, just as how Kagome fell in love with Inuyasha and you... fell in love with Naraku.

You growled. That traitor. But you stopped yourself there and thought about it some more. That day, when everyone first met Kanne, Naraku seemed genuinely confused. You hummed. Had he actually ordered Kagura to knock you out?

But before you could decide on an answer Shippo came back, a goofy grin on his face. He ignored everyone else before coming up to you.

"Ya'know Y/n," he began, "you're the only one who hasn't fallen in love." You kept your mouth shut. You had fallen in love, but it's best if they didn't know.

Then you thought about it some more and raised a brow. "What does that mean?" You asked him. The grin appeared on his face again.

"I just met an amazing girl," he told you. You smirked.

"Aww, does little Shippo have a crush?" You teased in a baby-ish voice. Shippo blushed slightly and glanced away. You smiled. But after a moment Shippo frowned.

"Yeah, but, this girl has a Jewel shard."

"A Jewel shard?" Inuyasha echoed before turning to Kagome. She looked deep in thought for a second before shaking her head.

"I don't sense a Jewel shard," your sister hummed. Inuyasha huffed and Shippo twiddle his thumbs.

"So," you hummed, returning Shippo's focus back to you, "what's this girl's name?"

"Her name is Satsuki," he told you. "She told me that the Jewel shard was given to her by her brother before he left to fight in the war. She's hoping that if she wishes on it he'll come back to her. But everyone else says that he died."

"Sounds to me like that Jewel shard is wishful thinking," you hummed before frowning. "I don't mean to be rude, but, I think the rest of the village is right. Besides, if Kagome doesn't sense anything, it can't be a real Jewel shard." Shippo frowned and looked down at his feet.

"I know. I just feel bad."

"Hey Shippo, how about you bring her here tomorrow?" Kagome chimed in. "You never know, maybe it is a real Jewel shard." Inuyasha huffed in disbelief and you glared at him. But Shippo didn't seem to notice as he beamed.

"Thanks Kagome! I'll be sure to bring her tomorrow!" Kagome nodded and you smiled. You ruffled Shippo's hair before giving him a quick hug.

"You're a good friend Shippo," you told him. He smiled. "Your father would be very proud of you." He nodded, eyes shining with hope, but his smile never faded. You returned his smile before you all tucked in for the night.

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