Chapter 45

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Your POV

You and the group walked along. Until eventually a young boy came along. You watched in confusion as he ran up to Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Help! It's my Grandpa!" The boy exclaimed. And Inuyasha, of course, thinking it was a demon, ran off. Rolling your eyes, you ran after him with the rest of the group.


After finding out the old man had just fallen, Inuyasha decided to carry him while you all walked towards the village. Luckily, it was the same direction you were going, so there were no detours.

(Another small timeskip)

"Well that was a bust," Inuyasha growled.

"Oh shut it," you snapped. "It was the same direction we were going anyways."

"Y/n has a point," Miroku agreed. "Everytime you do something nice, you are ill-tempered."

"Honestly Inuyasha, what is so wrong with helping people?" Kagome asked.

"Would you shut it?" Inuyasha growled. "I was just-" he stopped. You and Kagome stared at him in confusion while Miroku and Sango looked back.

"I smell a demon," Inuyasha growled, looking back. You and Kagome looked back as well to see the village the boy and his grandfather had come from on fire.

In that direction, the little boy from before came running. He took a second to catch his breath before asking for help. Inuyasha immediately obliged with a small nod of his head.

"Miroku, come with me! Sango, Y/n, stay back here with Kagome!" Inuyasha ordered.

"What?!" You exclaimed, outraged. "Why can't I come with you?!"

"Because you have a tendency of nearly dying!" Inuyasha snapped. You growled. But, in the end, you stayed back with Sango and Kagome while Miroku and Inuyasha ran off towards the village.

(Timeskip brought to you by bandits)

When Sango, Kagome and Kirara weren't paying attention, you snuck off towards the village. You had waited, and besides, Miroku and Inuyasha might need your help. It was always possible.

You ran all the way to the village, hiding behind something as soon as you got there. However, you were surprised by what you saw.

In front of you was a giant cocoon, along with a group of bandits holding women hostage. The man sitting down with a big axe appeared to be the leader, and, who you assumed, was also the demon.

You watched with your hand on the hilt of your dagger as one of the bandits grabbed ahold of one of the women and tossed her towards the demon. With wide eyes you watched as the demon sucked the life out of the woman.

Without thinking you grabbed your dagger and ran out from your hiding spot, lunging at the demon.

The demon's eyes widened slightly but you were grabbed ahold of by one of the bandits. You struggled against the bandit's grasp before glaring at the demon.

"Just who do you think you are?" You growled, voice low.

Miroku's POV

"Just who do you think you are?" A familiar voice growled. Miroku's eyes widened. Why was Y/n here? She was supposed to be back with Kagome and the others!

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing," Gatenmaru hummed. "Too bad you'll soon be eaten."

Upon those words being spoken Inuyasha growled and struggled to stand. Miroku managed to hold him down, but he couldn't help but wonder how long this'll last.

(Word count: 559)

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