Chapter 40

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Your POV

Koga finally left, sending a smirk Kagome's way, but you, Inuyasha and Miroku were still angry. Well, you and Inuyasha were, anyways. Miroku just kind of sighed and gave up after a bit.

Kagome, Sango and Shippo looked relieved that the four of you stopped fighting, but they didn't say anything. They were probably able to tell that the slightest thing wrong would set you and or Inuyasha off the edge.

But, with that said, the seven of you set off again. It was only then that the lone poisonous insect flew off.

(Some time later)

You all followed behind Inuyasha, until he suddenly stopped. The fact that his anger somehow spiked even more, you figured that he had either picked up Naraku's scent or Koga was coming back.

Since he turned and ran in a different direction, you decided it was the first option.

Next thing you knew, you were all in a forest. Naraku was there, with another incarnation. This one looked oddly human, but had shackles on his wrists and a bit in his mouth.

"My apologies Y/n, but I'm afraid I can't take you today," Naraku stated, turning to look at you. You placed your hand on the hilt of your dagger and growled. He chuckled.

"Juromaru, I will release from your shackles," Naraku said, turning to look at Juromaru.

Without another word, the shackles and bit on Juromaru fell off. And, to everyone's surprise, Juromaru turned and decapitated Naraku, only to reveal that it was just a demon puppet.

That must've been why Naraku kept him shackled, you mused. And from the look on Kagome's face, you could tell she was thinking the same thing.

After that, Juromaru immediately turned and lunged at you. You barely managed to unsheathe your dagger and take a swing at him. Much to your dismay, however, he was a lot faster than you initially thought and dodged out of the way.

As soon as Juromaru landed, he lunged at you again. Fortunately for you, Inuyasha stepped in between the two of you and slashed the Tessaiga at Juromaru.

That's when Koga came back. Him and Inuyasha argued a little bit, dodging attacks from Juromaru at the same time, before something else happened.

Something small and creepy landed in front of Juromaru, smiling at Inuyasha. The half-demon growled at the thing, a hand over his stomach.

"I'm Kageromaru. I lived inside Juromaru's gut, and he doesn't take orders from anyone but me. Not even Naraku," Kageromaru explained.

Why would Naraku make something that doesn't follow his orders? You wondered, confused. It made absolutely no sense to you, but no one else seemed to question it. Especially since they all just started fighting again without another word.

(Some time later)

Sango borrowed Miroku's staff and put some poison at the end of it. You weren't sure what she was doing until she dug the end of the staff into the Earth, causing Kageromaru to come flying out.

That gave Koga and Inuyasha the advantage that they needed. To your surprise, they managed to work together and ended up killing Juromaru and Kageromaru.

"Wow, I'm surprised you two worked together. Don't you hate each other?" You asked. Koga and Inuyasha looked at you before nodding. You thought about it for a second before grinning.

"Ah, so the two of you matured enough to work together." That statement set both of them over the edge.

But neither of them did anything as Kagone glared at them and knocked an arrow.

With that done, Koga grabbed hold of Kagome's hand, told her he loved her, and ran off. Inuyasha growled.

Kagome looked at you with an annoyed look. You nodded, knowing what was gonna happen before she said, "Y/n and I are going home."

Inuyasha opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it as Kagome glared at him again. Without another word, you and Kagome walked away.

(Word count: 660)

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