Chapter 36

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Sesshomaru's POV

"Inuyasha did," Sesshomaru replied upon hearing Jaken's question. Jaken turned to look at him as the demon came up behind them.

"M-me Lord! How can you be sure?" Jaken stammered out. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.

"The smell of Inuyasha's blood tells me," Sesshomaru responded. Without another word he picked up the demon's head. Rin started screaming.

Sesshomaru huffed and turned around.

"Enough of that, Rin. Stop it," Sesshomaru ordered, turning his head to look at her. Rin stopped screaming and turned around with a smile.

"Okay Lord Sesshomaru!" Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly and he turned his gaze back.

"Let's go."

(Some time later)

"Are you the one known as Kaijnbo, banished by Toto-Sai?" Sesshomaru asked, walking into the hut of the evil swordsmith.

"Just the sound of his name is enough to make my blood boil," Kaijnbo growled, looking up at Sesshomaru. "What do you want?"

"I want you to make me a sword from the fangs of this demon," Sesshomaru stated, dropping the head in front of Kaijnbo.

"Do you take me a fool? This demon is already dead."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed and he unsheathed the Tenseiga. In one swift motion, he slit the messengers of the underworld in half.

"You brought the head back to life!" Kaijnbo exclaimed as a demonic aura surrounded the demon's head.

"This sword, the Tenseiga, was forged by Toto-Sai. This demon bit the Tessaiga in half, another sword forged by Toto-Sai," Sesshomaru explained, sheathing Tensaiga.

"Very well then, I'll have your sword done in three days," Kaijnbo said with a small smile.

Sesshomaru didn't respond. Instead, he turned and left, Jaken following close behind him.

Your POV

You sat in between Sango and Kagome, eating quietly. Inuyasha was a little ways away, staring down at the broken Tessaiga.

"Kagome, you better go talk to him," you murmured, turning to look at your sister. Kagome looked over at Inuyasha and frowned.

"Yeah, I suppose I should." Kagone stood up and walked over to Inuyasha, Shippo following close behind her.

They talked for a bit, though you couldn't hear what they were saying, before the sky grew dark. After a split second Toto-Sai's bull appeared, though the swordsmith himself was nowhere to be seen.

That's when Myoga hopped onto Inuyasha's nose.

"Master Inuyasha, you must go to Toto-Sai and have Tessaiga fixed immediately!" Myoga ordered. Inuyasha scoffed.

"Fine. I'll be back in a bit." With that said, Inuyasha hopped onto the bull's back and rode off with the broken Tessaiga.

(Three days later)

If you were behing honest, you had forgotten that on specific nights Inuyasha transformed into a mortal until morning. You blamed it on Naraku, for how much your thoughts focused on him.

You also realized that neither Sango nor Miroku were there last time it happened, as they were both staring at the Inuyasha.

"My, he looks like a normal human now!" Sango exclaimed.

"I've heard this happens but I've never actually witnessed it myself," Miroku responded. Inuyasha huffed.

"It seems like each time this happens more people know about my little secret," the half-demon growled.

"It just means you have more friends now," Kagome told him with a smile. You smiled as well. You always loved how easily Kagome could better the situation and calm everyone's moods.

"Hey, just be glad you didn't get stuck with Naraku for so long," you chimed in with a small laugh. Sango, Kagome and Miroku nodded in agreement. Shippo gave an awkward smile, as Naraku had never physically done anything to him.

After that you all calmed down and went to sleep.

It was approaching dawn when you and Kagome woke up. To your surprise both Miroku and Sango were in fighting stances with Inuyasha standing behind them, and in front of them stood a man with a sword, his eyes glowing red.

"Are you the one known as Inuyasha?" The man asked.

"Who's asking?" Inuyasha growled.

"I am Kaijnbo, the creator of Tokijin. The sword cries for the blood of Inuyasha," Kaijnbo explained. Just then the sword pulsed and he (or maybe it was the sword?) pointed the tip of Tokijin at Inuyasha.

"So you are Inuyasha. I'm disappointed, I was expecting a demon."

"Have you ever wronged this swordsmith that you know of?" Miroku asked Inuyasha. You mentally face-palmed as Inuyasha shook his head. Did they seriously not listen to what Kaijnbo said earlier?

"Again, it is the sword that thirsts for his blood." You unsheathed your dagger as Kaijnbo took a step forward. Inuyasha growled and was about to run at Kaijnbo, but Miroku blocked him with his staff.

"Stay back Inuyasha. Sango and I can handle this," Miroku ordered. You and Kagome ran up to Inuyasha.

"We should run Inuyasha," Kagome told him. Inuyasha huffed. Unfortunately for the three of you, however, Inuyasha wouldn't have it.

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter, but I've been a little busy lately. Anyways, thank you so much for all the support on this book! Hope you all have a great day/night!)

(Word count: 857)

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