Chapter 52

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???'s POV

It was dark out. And in a small clearing sat an old woman with grey hair and blue eyes. She wore a dark blue kimono with a jade necklace, and in front of her stood a small shrine.

She chanted something quietly under her breath before tossing a miniature paper snake into the fire. In response there was a loud scream, causing a smile to form on the woman's face.

"Are you Tsubaki?" A feminine voice asked suddenly, causing the woman to look behind her.

"Who are you?" The woman shot back. The black-haired demon, Kagura, narrowed her eyes.

"You are Tsubaki, the dark priestess," Kagura responded. "I am Kagura, and my master requires your help."

"What could a demon want with me?" Tsubaki asked. Kagura narrowed her eyes again but did not respond. Instead, she walked towards the dark priestess before throwing up one of her feathers, causing both her and the dark priestess to appear on the feather.

Tsubaki looked around in surprise, but said nothing more as Kagura steered the feather back to Naraku's castle.

Naraku's POV

"I see you have arrived Tsubaki," Naraku stated as the door to his room slid open.

"Are you Naraku?" Tsubaki asked. Naraku turned to look at her.

"Indeed I am. You have a grudge against the priestess Kikyo, do you not?"

"Kikyo," Tsubaki growled. "What does she have to do with this?"

"I have a job for you Tsubaki. And if you can complete this job, you can have the Shikon Jewel," Naraku responded. Almost immediately Tsubaki's eyes lit up.

"The Shikon Jewel? You have it?"

"Indeed I do. And if you can kill the half-demon known as Inuyasha and the girl known as Kagome it's all yours," Naraku held up the Jewel. And as Tsubaki came up to take it, he closed his fist.

"Obe more thing Tsubaki, there is a young girl with Kagome. Her name is Y/n, and if you can bring her to me I might let you have the Jewel even if you fail to kill Inuyasha and Kagome." Tsubaki stared at him, and in just a moment she turned young.

"This is my true form," she stated. "And don't worry, that girl is yours and Inuyasha and Kagome are as good as dead."

"Good," Naraku responded, knowing that the priestess must've given herself to a demon to be able to be young again. But he didn't question and handed the Jewel to her.

"Kagura will bring you to Kagome and Y/n. You must be ready." Tsubaki nodded before walking off to find Kagura.

As soon as she was gone Naraku turned to look back out the window with a smirk. I have you now, Y/n.

Your POV

"Come on Kagome, you know how impatient Inuyasha is," you huffed, tapping your foot.

"I know I know," Kagome responded, packing stuff into her backpack.

"Hey guys, do you think I can go with you?" Sota asked, walking up to Kagome.

"Sorry Sota, but it's too dangerous," Kagome responded. Sota turned to you with pleading eyes.

"Sorry l'il bro, but I have to agree with Kagome," you hummed with a shake of your head. "You know next to nothing about fighting and besides, you're only nine." Sota pouted and turned away. You watched him for a bit before returning your gaze to Kagome.

"Woah, can you carry that?" You asked, seeing how full her backpack was. In response, she went to throw it around her shoulders before sighing and placing it back on the table.

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