Chapter 57

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Your POV

"Naraku, I swear-" you started with a growl before Naraku pulled you into a kiss, one hand holding your chin and the other wrapped around your waist. Your hands went to his chest, tempted to push him away, but you soon gave in, closing your eyes and kissing him back. It felt like forever since he last held you like this, and your anger with him was just a distant memory.

"I love you, Y/n," he murmured as he pulled back, his hand on your chin reaching up to caress your cheek. It wasn't often that the demon expressed his feelings, so knowing that he felt that for you made your heart soar.

"I love you too Naraku," you hummed softly, resting your head on his chest as he pulled you into a hug.

You sighed in content, your eyes closing. You couldn't remember feeling so comfortable, having been in this time for so long with very little interaction in your own time. Of course, you missed the family that had been so kind as to adopt you, but if staying in this time for the rest of your life meant getting to spend time with the man you love, then so be it.

Naraku's POV

He held her close, feeling bad for soon having to leave her. He wanted to stay with the young girl forever, keeping her in his clutches. But he couldn’t, and he knew that. So this moment with her was special, especially after so long with her being angry with him.

Of course, he was angry with Kagura for what she had done, but he needed her alive… For now. So he decided not to do anything to her.

Instead, he cherished this moment with the one he loved, knowing full well that moments like this would be hard to come by in the future.

(A/N: Hey guys, I am so so sorry for not having posted in so long, and I know this little fluff chapter doesn't make up for it, but I will definitely be trying to post more soon. I hope you guys enjoyed, and have a great day/night!)

(Word count: 362)

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